Saturday, July 30, 2011

Girls, Glitter & Grace

Avery got invited to spend the day with her BF to help her celebrate her 4th Bday!! The girls were so excited to see each other and go to an ALL GIRLY store!

Started off with lunch at McD's and some play time at the playland.

Jen found this cute girly shop in Newark, Ohio on one of her visits to her sisters house.

That about sums up how the place and the girls looked too :)

The Owner, Grace, doing the Birthday girls hair!

Avery's turn was next!

She loved getting her hair done, make up & finger nails painted! Stinker REFUSED to paint her toe nails for some reason. The next day she wanted me to touch up her toe nails and I didn't told her she should have gotten them done at the spa. She said "but they were already painted, well every ones were already painted as were her fingernails but they take the old off and put new on! Geesh! The mind of a 4 yr old!

Girls all dolled up!

Working on her scrapbook page for their picture.

Next was cupcakes and pink lemonade!

ok she didn't like the frosting, lol....that's how we roll unless it's cream cheese frosting :)

Having a blast!

Next she got to make a spa product and she picked lip gloss.


After we were all done Avery gives Nat and a hug & kiss and thanks her for inviting her and that she's her BF! Awww!

Hope you had a great 4th Bday Miss Nat, I know we had fun helping you celebrate! Thanks for everything! FYI we have to put eyelash on aka eye shadow & glitter stars on EVERY morning now!

We finished the day off making supper up at Proper's and Avery took a dip in the pool!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crilow's, Coccia House & Dad's Bday!

Nana took Avery to the library faithfully once a week for story time and for all the special programs they had. She loved them! I also enrolled her into their summer reading program. Although she can't read herself but when I or others read to her you keep track of your time and each week she gets prizes. She loved it and still loves to be read too! So we headed to the end of the summer reading Island Party Sat. afternoon.

They had lots of arts and crafts at the party.

Then we headed to Lowell's for Coccia House & to see everyone. The kids had fun!

Love this picture!

And this one too!

Dad and Jeannette

Haha! Dad you are such a good sport! Looking 'swell'!

Then since Dad was still in Ohio for his Bday we took him out for some chinese & ice cream!

Miss A lovin her braids!

and ice cream too!

Can't tell you the last time I saw my Dad ON his Bday! My face says it all though, it was so hot and humid, I was stuffed full from supper and a SMALL ice cream cone that was huge!

Happy 68th BDay Dad! Love you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wet n Wild Weekends!

Dog Days and Lazy Days of Summer are finally here....hooray! We've had some hot, hot weekends.

Got Avery's sprinkler out on Saturday, July 9th and she had fun running playing with it!

Another day in the sprinkler.

Then Sunday, July 10th, we spent the day at Proper's Pool!

Daddy and Avery doing new tricks.

and having fun with Mimi! Did you notice it's the SAME day but Miss Avery has on a different swimsuit on? Yup not only do we change clothes several times a day now I guess we have to change swimsuits too!

When Avery was 2 I'd say this was her saying to everybody and then when she'd get in trouble she try to change the subject and say "There is a frog in the swimming pool, isn't that so silly?!" or when she was on the phone she'd end with "There is a frog in the swimming pool....bye!"

Our friends, Josh and Rachel, came to Proper's in the evening to look at some furniture and brought their puppy, Brutus and he couldn't STAND that Avery was in the pool. They said he doesn't like water..........

and as soon as he'd get in he'd get right back out!

Julia called to let us know Isaiah and his Aunt were coming for a swim on Friday, July 15th so Avery and I came up so they could play. I guess they do need to get to know each other better if they are planning on getting married.....according to Isaiah, Avery is his Princess and he's going to marry her :) cream!