Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Little Piggy.....

Today....Our Church had Trunk or Treat again this year so mom went with Avery and I. What a beautiful day!

Nana, Avery & Autumn DeWitt (ok mom not sure why you put your hood up!)


Avery and Dr. Charles Hart

Avery LOVED Amy Loveday's dog, Oscar....he was a hotdog.

Ian and Avery

Ian and James Barr

Mommy and Avery going on a hay ride.

We saw a rainbow about an hour after we got home

Last night......We went to Chad and Jenny Lydic's for Trick or Treating....I decided to just let Avery stay at the house since I was tired from working all day and she doesn't know what t or t is yet and doesn't even eat candy...ok an occasional tootsie roll or smarties.

Check out her little tail :)

Avery was more interested in the dog then anything else

Kids trading their candy

Avery playing the air drums :) She also loved all the glow sticks the kids gave her after t or t.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seeing Double......Trouble!

We are helping out Natalie's mommy and watching Nat 2 days a week till end of year since her regular sitter is having a baby. The girls are having SO much fun together! I'm glad that Avery is around someone her own age. Today they had on the same shirt :)

Hugs! They both say the word cute! They also say each other's names! Now that's adorable!

Trying to get these two to co-operate and it wasn't happening! This was as good as I got.

Playing in Avery's crib after nap time listening to her music and watching the fishies swim :) (NO they don't both sleep in there in case you are wondering)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Lil Pumpkin!

Avery LOVES being outside and today was no exception. She loved the leaves and kept wanting to throw the pumpkins and gourds into the leaves and of course the best fun of all throwing the leaves!

She heard an airplane :)

Mommy and Avery

How Cute Are They??!

We haven't seen them for awhile now so I thought I'd steal some pictures off their blog and put on my blog :)

Kaidrie Reese......3 years 7 mos.

Mr. Kason Trey is almost 4 months......he's growing so fast!

So sweet! We miss you guys!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Avery and Daddy. She always leans down to see cute!

Rocky, Rocky (you say that when you rock)

You love your Teddy Bear!

Updated bathtub hairdo shot ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Enjoying A Warm Fall Day!

I Love the Fall and especially the weather we have been having the last few days! Avery was enjoying playing outside too!

Mommy I am NOT going to co-operate for a picture with you!

On a drive to Wooster :)

We ended our day with one of Avery's favorite things.......a bath! She was either pouring water on her head or drinking it! Silly girl!