Friday, March 27, 2009

Grandma Crilow Turns 94!!!

My Grandma Avery's Great-Grandma turned 94 years old on March 27, 2009 and we surprised her with a visit and had lunch with her. Grandma is still sharp as a tack but her eye sight and hearing are failing rapidly and this is so frustrating for her as you can imagine!

Avery loved watching the birdies they had there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Avery had a great day she got not one but two walks, on the first walk she fell asleep! and on the second walk she got to play outside with her cousins, Sammie and Nathan. Then later we went to Mimi & Pop-Pop's and she was in her glory with the cats!

Trying to kiss Coach.

Trying to give Arfie a BIG hug!

Ahhh signs of Spring are here!!!

What does this mean??????

Does anybody know what it means when your child constantly lines things up nd or stacks things???!! LOL.....too funny!

Going on a walk....this child would be outside 24/7 if I'd let her!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Pop-Pop!

Julia had a cake made and sent to the bank and the employee's decorated his office! Good job guys!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kaidrie's 4th Bday Party

Avery and I went to Columbus after Church with Mimi and Pop-Pop to help Miss Kaidrie celebrate her 4th Birthday (I can't believe she's 4 already!!!) She won't officially be 4 till March 18th :)

So Kaidrie never likes being the center of attention and so she didn't want to blow out her candles with everyone there watching her she said "I'll blow them out later".....she never did blow them out...stinker! Mimi made her the barbie cake.

Avery was having a ball because there were balloons there!

She also liked playing with the twins (Kaid's babysitter kids)

The BIG I noticed all the girls have their socks off and the boys all have theirs on!! :)

Uncle Randy always does fun things with the is a preview.

Friday, March 13, 2009

21 months........yippy!

Yes I'm "tinkling" as mommy is taking my picture! I'm not really all that interested in the potty unless I'm taking my bath.

I still do my "flips" all the time but now I can lift my leg!

Since 18 mos some new things I can do (it gets harder and harder to keep track since she's learning so much rapidly!) Some highlights I remember:
19 mos:
*You know what Dinosaurs are
*Where your knees are
*Your vocabulary grows faster then a weed! You now say "I want that!"...sigh!! :)
*You can make your voice change as in high or low or angry sounding
*Feb. 7th you started singing "we wuv you"....figured out Nana sang you the Barney song
*You started saying you were scared
20 mos:
*You say "ready, set, go!"
*Started taking off your shirts (if they were big enough)
*Feb. 14 you started singing tinkle, tinkle (aka twinkle twinkle little star)
*You walk around with your eyes closed and think it's so funny
*You know the names and characters of your cartoons on Noggin Channel (not a good sign ;)
*You tell me when you are thirsty
*New animals you know: fox, zebra, flamingo, crab, penguin,lady bug and the frog goes ribbit, ribbit
*When you want more of something you say "more peas"
*You can spin/twirl on one foot
*You can kick the ball
*Feb. 21 you can count to ten with some help
*You hide things in your hands and put them behind your back - daddy taught you that
*You know what to do with a camera as in you put it up to your eye and say "cheese!"
*You stack your toys and line them up
*You know where your arms and legs are
*You know when things are "all better"
*You like to be swung by your a pendulum. You say tick tock :)
*You say dip it when you want ketchup or whatever
*You know when something itches
*Since you started watching Barney you give lots of Big hugs and kisses all the time :)
*March 7 you say "be careful" when you are doing certain things or when we do certain things to you!
*You know how to be nice or when I say be nice you pet my arm, leg, hair or whatever
*The songs you sing just AMAZE me and how quickly you catch on to the words (new songs: jingle bells - I know but Daddy loves singing that to you, ABC's ok not really a song but you can say them pretty well, All the Colors of the Rainbow, Rock-a-bye-baby and working on Jesus loves me)
*New saying "What happened?!"
*You are sleeping more and more frequently all night - you've given me 3 nights in a row once ;) used to be only once or twice every other week you'd sleep through the night.
*You are starting the shy stage.....I can't believe it!!!! ;)
*You started shutting all the doors upstairs.....not sure why but you are into that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


No pictures to post this time.....I wanted to jot this down so when I go to scrapbook or write in her baby book I'll remember and it was cute!

In Church today Avery would try and sing (she's always done this) but after every song, organ and piano session she would say "yay!!" loud enough that Pastor Tom would comment on it :) I guess I need to teach her how to say Amen. She just loves any form of music and shows her appreciation for it! I hope she continues to have a love for music. Next thing I know she'll be dancing in the aisle instead of on our laps or on the pew! Oh them!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A little bit of this and a little bit of that.....

This is Avery in action......she loves to run!

So pleased with the tower mommy stacked for her

As you can see she's still into lining things up :)

Eating nummy nummy scetti (aka spaghetti)

Tub time with Cousin Sammie...and

Tub time with her BFF Natalie :)