Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bzzzzzzy Mommy & Bzzzzzzy Alex!

This is my favorite inspired wall of pinterest projects I did! I didn't make my bill holder, I did modify it though, I glued the letters on, took out the candle holder and added the star nail, added the ribbon to hang the saying too :) Now this is my COMMAND central station :)

I LOVE how easy and cute this turned out and I can't wait to do more!!!!

This was sewwwwwwwwwww easy to make pillows from placemats.

and my bzzzzzzzzzzzzy littlest bee :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Alexandria is 4 mos old!

Two of our five appts in March were Alexandria's 4 mos pictures and 4 mo well visit.

I was so happy that Alex could wear the exact same outfit as Avery did when she was 4 mos! I felt silly though b/c it was 70 some degrees outside for the middle of March!


I told Martha I wanted a picture of Miss Alex's tongue sticking out and she captured it perfectly!
The above pictures were take by Martha Stutzman, All Occasion Photography.

She's just growing up too fast, holding her own uno cards ;)

The week before this I noticed if she was ANY bit inclined she'd try to sit up! So she goes from this to......
to this!!! That got her - her first bloody nose/head bonk. Josh had her in her bumbo seat on the steps landing, he was sitting right beside her putting his shoes on and he said it was like slow motion, she lunged and missed the 3 steps and fell face first on her kitchen tile floor :( OUCH! Avery and I were in Medina. He ended up taking her to see Dr. Strong at the end of the day and he said she was fine. Ugh, I'm sure it's the first of many, they say the 2nd one is way ornerier!

Every now and then she will hold her own bottle. It's usually a fight when we feed her to keep her bottle IN!
Awwww my little tongue sticking out blue eyed cutie!
"Are you looking at me?!"
Yup on St. Patty's Day she was 4 mos old! 14 lbs, 4 oz and 24"! Only 4 oz heavier than Avery at that age BUT 3/4" shorter! Dr. Strong said she looks great and is a mover!

Catching up!

As I promised I would post pictures of the girls so here you go.

Here are My A's that are the exact same age in the exact same outfits! I think they look a like and other times not so much.

Well I have 2 babies!! Avery just can't stay out of her sister's crib.....

or her toys!

Miss Alex and her tongue that is out more than it is in! :p
We've had some AWESOME weather for March! Yes it's March 11th no coat on swinging!
Alex gets to meet coachie, he's very interested in her....

the feeling isn't mutual....yawn...I'll just watch my sissy swing instead!

We had a rough week with Miss Alex not sleeping during the day OR night much and this was one of those days that she just wouldn't nap and I was holding her and next thing I know her head hits my arm...zzzzzzzzzz.
We were having issues with our tub and I was giving Alex a bath in our kitchen sink, the next thing I know Avery is naked crawling in!
Mast's were home

Some one loves to suck on her fingers!
There were a lot of 1st for Avery last weekend. She spent the night with her cousin Kaidrie! Avery is a mama's girl and won't go to sleep w/o me so I was nervous but excited for her to go w/o me. We kept telling her that we weren't going to come get her b/c it was too far even if she cried. Janna said "no crying at my house" and Avery asks me "well, can I cry just a little bit?!" haha....she already new she was going to cry! Janna said it went well till 1 hr before bedtime but after a little threat and big cousin Kaid helping her she did it! The 2nd first and I hope last is her black and blue eye. Her and Isaiah collided with each other, Janna said it instantly turned red, she cried a bit then went back to playing!
I just wonder if Alexandria will keep her baby blues?! All of us have hazel eyes.

Our March Madness!

Our March Madness has consisted of Bday parties and appointments! We started off wishing Laney a Happy 2nd Birthday!

These 3 will be 5 in June & July! Where does the time go?!
The next party was in Medina. What fun, she had a gymnastics's party!
Avery loved it, after she had a little melt down that I couldn't stay on the mats with her!
Can you tell she's excited to go on the trampoline?!

Happy 5th Bday to you Miss Payton!
WOW! There was a lot of energy in the room!
The next was our niece, Kaidrie! She has ALWAYS been a stinker to say the least when it comes to getting her picture taken. You would think she'd be use to it by now with Janna and I always taking pictures! ha! So she was holding her balloons like this and I said perfect don't move...click! :)
Her "mommy telling me to smile" smile.
"Do I havvvvvvve to eat another Bday cupcake?!'
Too much partying!
and Happy Birthday to Pop-Pop who is officially retiring this month! Pop-Pop's Bday was Tues. and it was 80plus degrees so we went to his house and grilled out that night and the night after that! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pre-Pinterest and Post-Pinterest

I am sorry that this is ANOTHER post about pinterest but I just can't help but LOVE that site! Having said that, I want you to know before Pinterest I did do some pretty neat things/ideas on my own! ha! :) Please don't judge me :)
The most being Avery's Big Girl Room:
Painted dots on a white picture frame.
I painted this lamp & added the circles on the shade and painted her initial blocks.
Hot glued ribbon to her hamper.
And I didn't want to mess with trying to hang these by the 2 holes in the back (I DESPISE IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE HOLE!) so I cut ribbon, hot glued to back of each letter, tied in a knot and wa-la!
This is one of my favorite ideas...this is a quilt rack that I got as a gift in 1990!!! I painted it and use it to hold my jeans!
I thought of this on my own too....basic shelf, I added nails (to be exact they are called hard cut masonry) to hang my necklaces from. I also did this to a shutter in nursery to hang hats, etc. from.
This is also another of my ideas for my scarves, I got a peg shelf and hung it on the back of a closet door.
I got these CUTE containers at Amish Country Peddler where I work (yes we just got them in). You can write on them! BTW that is the print I did then ordered it on canvas.

Now for Pinterest ideas:
They showed various ways to store your ribbon but I found this hanger also at ACP and it works PERFECT!
I loved this idea! I got this paper towel holder at Wmart for $2.37. It's perfect for bracelets and I added a couple watches. Now I can actually see my bracelets vs them being in a basket!
Another project I'm having put on canvas. Thanks Janna/pinterest for the idea!
Ok not sure if this was on pinterest but I saw this at my friends house couple weeks ago and thought how cute and easy (not to mention CHEAP) that would be to make! Got the butterfly already painted at Wmart for $.53 and I had the ribbons, just hot glued them on.
so cute and Avery loves it too b/c now we can see and find the matching hair clips.
I'm tired of constantly picking stuff up, yelling, spanking Avery (which BTW isn't working) so Janna had done these (thanks pinterest!) so I made one for Avery. She loves it. It's a chore chart! Very cheap to make too.
I figure if I'm making one might as well make two and Alex needs to start earning her keep! :)
So for during her chores and going above and beyond Avery gets to put gems in her jar. Once filled she gets a cheap surprise. So far this is working like a gem (hardeee-har-har!) I let her put several in at a time since it will take forever, however is she's naughty or doesn't listen then I take some out! I came up with this on my own out of desperation.
Well there you have it! I hope I've given you some good ideas to help make your life easier!