Sunday, November 29, 2009

Proper Thanksgiving

What a beautiful day we had for the Proper's Thanksgiving and everyone got to be there! Avery got to play outside for a bit before we ate.



Janna and Randy

Josh and Jody
The Kiddos.....Avery looks like she's chocking Kason...she wasn't just trying to hug him!
Pop-Pop grilled the turkey...yum!
Mimi made these cute turkey cupcakes!
The girls eating their cupcakes

Mr. Blue eyes and Boogy nose :)

The girls having "craft" time or should I say coloring on their hands!

1 comment:

Randy and Janna said...

You got some good pics! Love the one with the 3 of them! Looks like Avery is trying so hard to restrain herself... she really wanted to choke him, but used her self control! haha They really do have a love-hate relationship!