Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jeep Freaks!

We went on our last trail ride of the season. What a beautiful day we had! I was happy because we did some different trails! Thanks to my new friend, Michelle, who let me borrow some of her pictures :)

Avery and her friend Abigail before we took off into the woods.

John and Lisa Tanner

Going down a steep ravine.

Love this picture......that's Mimi and Pop-Pop's jeep

Mimi and Pop-Pop

This is us. Pictures just don't it justice but this ravine had 2 tough obstacles and a lot of guys had to be winched to get out!

Jason Peterson was one of the winching victims not once but twice :(

John Tanner giving it all he had.
Pictures of the end of this trail were tough!! Jason Adams and Josh were the ONLY 2 to make up w/o getting winched!

Jason Adams getting started

Jason Adams making it the top!
Bummer Jason Adams made it then blew a tire!

Josh waiting his turn. Flex it baby!

Had to have some man power up front and in the back so he wouldn't get body damage! Hemi baby yea! Look at the smoke on the back tire.

We had LOTS of down time on this trail............

Avery had a ball in the leaves...........

Mimi helping her climb a tree :)

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