Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just for Janna

Ok so Blogger had another new format and before you had to upload the most current pictures first so they would be in order so I did that and now they are in reverse order...oh well!  Compliments of Miss Avery!  Josh wasn't cooperating (I know SHOCKER!) and Avery told him to focus! :)

Like Mother........

Like daughter!

My soon-to-be-5 yr old!

Can't believe how fast my girls are growing up!

Loving being on the porch!

Twirling to blow her bubbles.

Now that's some talent right there :)


Jonna came over.  Haha Avery's face!

Sammie came over too!  All the girls!

5.5 mos old!

Avery at 5.5 mos old!

At French Ridge Vineyards

Avery's PreSchool teacher in the middle

Celebrating Jen's Bday!  Good times!

Trying out cereal.  She's not as into as I thought she would be!  Tried banana's now too and she's still undecided.

Just love the tongue and Alexandria too!  So blessed!

1 comment:

Janna and Randy said...

Haha THANK YOU for the post! Love looking at those faces! :) Miss you all!