Monday, June 13, 2011

Avery is 4 yrs old!

Well with just finishing Bible School on Thurs night it was time to focus on Avery's upcoming Bday Party Sat. morning! I was so thankful I had Friday off and could be home ALL day and also thankful I did all the shopping before Friday so I didn't have to leave the house!

I made semi-homemade cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting and Miss Avery was willing to be my taste tester but refuses to eat frosting on her cake or cupcakes. Not sure where she gets it from ;) Yes I admit..BOTH of us, however I do LOVE cream cheese frosting & cool whip frosting & not sure what frosting Josh likes!

Us before the guests arrived.

The final product. Tried to make tiara's out of starburst candy.

Julia made this beautiful Barbie cake for Avery who couldn't quit talking about it! She is SO talented and patient....I'm thankful for that b/c I hate baking!

Some decorations.

This was the first year I let Avery have a few friends over & she was just so excited about that! Here is the royal court :)

Craft time = quieter time :) Ahhhhh!

Present time!

She's been begging for twinkle toes and tie shoes so she was in heaven when she received these from the Thorpe's! Thanks again for all her presents she got, it's like Christmas all over again at our house and she doesn't know what to play with first!

Chow time!

Mr. K! The prince for the day :)

Miss Laney Bug thoroughly enjoying her cupcake!


and Miss Riley who also enjoyed her cupcake! :)

Happy Birthday Avery!

Julia destroying her masterpiece :)

Yea for Grandma's!

Duck - Duck Goose!

I really had made Avery's bed before the do those girlies make a mess :)

One of Avery's presents from G & G Crilow was a doll named Avery! How cool!

The morning of her Birthday this proves at any age that It's Tough Getting Older ;) After her bath this is how she acted! Not sure what was wrong, probably just tired after a busy week with Bible School, her Party, swimming and playing hard! No one ounce of Happy for her to be had! Mom said after I dropped her off she fell asleep....guess she was tired!

Later when I picked her up we headed for swimming lessons! Here she is bobbing.

Blowing her bubbles while using the kick board.

Last year she could swim on her back so this year they are teaching her how to use her arms.

Then we waited for Daddy to get home from work so she could open the presents we got her. She couldn't believe she got a bike AND that it was pink!

Giving us 2 thumbs up for her presents!

Ready to go!

We let her pick where she wanted to go for dinner and she picked our friend's Mexican Restaurant and of course had to change into her new skirt and shoes! I think she could have glown in the dark!

Alex the owner surprised her with a big bowl of ice cream! Her day ended MUCH better than it began and we are glad! Happy Birthday Avery, we love you yesterday, today and tomorrow too!

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