Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011!

I decided to make Avery's Valentine's Day cards for her PreSchool class. She got to help glue, decorate and signed each and every card...13 of them!

I'm so impressed that she can write her name all by herself! She has some trouble with the R but as of Feb. 16th she can now make an R! SO proud of her!

What can I say???? Best I could think of!

So we've been having separation anxiety issues since end of Dec. She started crying for my mom. It started out mom could talk her out of crying but one day she couldn't and I had to leave work to go and get her, then she started it with Julia and then Josh and last week at school!!!!! I just couldn't believe it b/c she use to cry when she DIDN'T get to go to School! She has NEVER acted this way and the only thing that has changed is I have been home with her more since one of my jobs is slow. At first you feel sympathetic, then guilty, then mad! WE have tried just about everything and last week we had to take her barbie's away and her tv time! She cries as soon as she wakes up and normally quits after I'm gone, Monday (VALENTINE'S DAY was the worst day for her at school! Cried a lot and didn't even eat her lunch (she's NEVER done that)! Her teacher knew we took things away so she did too, got her recess taken away but she didn't care! Then Tues she didn't cry at my mom's, yea but on Wed. morning 7:20 up and crying before school and then her teacher had a stern talk with her and told her what all was going to happen if she kept crying (recess, snacks, surprises out of the treasure chest all those things would be taken away!) and after 10 mins she quite crying! She promised me and her teacher she would not cry at school on Monday......let's hope this phase is OVER b/c I.AM.SO.OVER.IT! It's nice to be missed but this is getting ridiculous!

This is her AFTER school happy as a clam to be home with her mommy!

All her stuff she got from kids at school and her teachers.

Mmmmmm my yummy meal I made just for me since Josh is working late! It was called Chicken with wine.

Avery had asked me what her jammies said and I replied "My heart belongs to Daddy" and she said "no it doesn't, my heart belongs to me and why is Daddy's name on my jammie's they are MY jammies?!" haha!

This is what we got Avery for Valentine's Day! Normally I only do candy but she didn't need ANY more candy, Easter is coming up and I had gotten these jammies last year after Easter and her cousin, Kaid, is having a Bday in March with a kitty theme and her Aunt Janna spied this at Target on clearance for $2.98 so I HAD to get it :)

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