Sunday, October 17, 2010


I LOVE the Fall and especially the month of October....the pretty colored leaves, the sound of the leaves when you walk on them, the crisp air, the smell of the air, cooler temps, warm cider, apples, and anything I may have missed! So far we've had a pretty decent Fall (weather wise!)

Having fun in the leaves at our house. One of my all time FAVORITE pictures of Miss A!

Silly girl!

Love seeing the world through Avery!

Even had to have an orange colored bath :)

Friday night Miss Quynh was in town after a 20 yr absence so a few of us got together! Good Times!

Avery just loves school and this was one of her many projects she's done.

I didn't think it was possible for her to love swinging anymore than she already does but now that she can "do it herself" she just can't stop swinging :)

All this pumping is hard work!


Our neighbor's nieces she likes to play with.

The kitties are getting SO big and SO spoiled!

Went to Coccia House for my Bday on Saturday night with the In laws and our friends, John and Lisa Tanner.

2 hour wait but it was SO worth it! My mouth is watering as I type!

Then the next day we went trail riding with Daddy. It was another beautiful Fall day! Avery's silly faces - she was so excited to get into the woods and find some mud!

Again another one of my favorite pictures!

Barbies were secured for the!

We spied a skull! Avery thought that was WAY cool!

Daddy going up and over a HUGE rock!

Awwww :)

My view most of the trail ride. Felt like I was on a roller coaster going up a steep hill.

Our Friend Billy Patten who almost made it up this BIG rock!

After Miss A's nap we had to run to his parents for a bit and they had some "visitors".

Scotchie was so curious and this was the closest he got. Cali was too but she wasn't as brave as her brother.

"What are you looking at?!"

Ok this cat is NOT right! I've witnessed it doing some strange things....notice how he's on the fence with his butt on the post! He was also drooling as Josh and Avery were petting him! OH MY!

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