Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cherry Valley Lodge - CoCo Key Water Resort

We've been thinking about taking Avery to an indoor water park for some time now and Josh suggested we go in March. Yes we know it's tax season and all and he's been working his butt off and needed a break. So we booked it for Friday and Saturday. We left on Friday at 2:30 after Daddy worked almost 8 hours. What another beautiful day we had!

Avery and I playing outside waiting for daddy to come home.

We picked Cherry Valley Lodge in Newark, Ohio. It was very nice and the water park wasn't so big that is overwhelming at all. We arrived at 4pm, checked in and didn't waste anytime getting suited up!

Miss A ready to go! She thought we were going swimming at Mimi & Pop Pop's house....not quite yet! ;)

She found her FAVORITE thing to do....go down the water slide over and over and over!

That is Avery making that splash :)

Then we took a break and enjoyed floating on the lazy river.

Playing in the kiddie area.

We were getting hungry so for dinner we ventured into Grandville, what a neat town! I spotted a Pub and we ate there, reminded me of the Growler, but a tad bigger. Avery was SOOO hungry she wanted a hot dog, cheeseburger, french fries and mac n She got a cheeseburger and french fries and ate it all! Then we headed back to the resort and ventured into one of the gardens to let our food settle. There were lots of ducks and fish too bad nothing was in bloom yet :(

She thought she could catch the duck.
Then back to the water park.
She had to bring her barbie :)
Her favorite part of the water park. I love how she has to make sure Barbie gets wet under the water fall.
Relaxing after a LONG day. We finally showered and Avery loved our garden tub and I even took a bath with her. She didn't want to get out b/c she thought we were going to go home. Avery only napped 45 mins. on the way down so I thought she'd sleep great Friday night since we all slept together in the big king sized bed.....11pm still awake and then started her melt down crying and begging to go home! Finally at midnight she crashed and was up at 6am and started the cycle over! She fell back asleep around 6:30 got up at 9 and said "I'm not a grouchy anymore, I'm a big girl and ready to go swim again!" The water park doesn't open till 10am and we got there at 10:15 and it was getting filled up and fast! We stayed an hour and decided we had had enough plus it was extremely crowded! Next time we're going during the week.

Every 20 mins. or so a ding-ding-ding goes off and you learn rather quickly what that is all about! There is a giant bucket up top and when it gets full of water it dumps! This is a side view of it just starting to tip over.

Here it comes..........


Here is a video of the BIG water dump. I tried to zoom in on Josh and Avery and I notice when I'm recording it won't let me zoom in all the way....grr!!! Josh said she giggled and wanted to do it again! He said you don't get that wet under the roof. I almost missed it b/c I was trying to take a picture and then video!

With our package came a free $8.00 arcade card so after an hour or so in the water park we got dressed and let Avery play some games and win some prizes. Then we left, ate at Arby's and was home by 2pm. She NEVER did nap in the car and finally at 3 she fell asleep in her bed and napped 1 hour and 45 mins. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night tonight!


Randy and Janna said...

The kids were glued and wanted more videos! Glad you guys had a good time. She's at a great age to love things like that!
Did you guys think it was warm enough there? We thought it needed to be warmer than 84*!

Jody Proper said...

LOL Avery thinks every photo is a video and gets mad when I don't play it!

It was warmer on Sat. than it was on Fri.....her little lips were almost blue on Fri she was shivering but said "I'm not cold!"