Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ok so a few posts ago I showed you how Miss Avery lines up her we are into stacking things and yes we have blocks but she prefers things from my pantry!

She's really good at it!

So now she is lining up things from my pantry.....tonight she found and opened a chocolate bar....tomorrow she'll be surprised to find the pantry locked!

LOVES Barney and can she get any closer to him??! Lol!

I'm not impressed I can't rotate this video!!! I've tried in my picture settings and on here :( Oh well too cute not to post anyway! Avery is into singing....twinkle twinkle (tinkle-tinkle to Avery), I love you - you love me...and itsy bitsy spider!


Randy and Janna said...

Wow - for someone who "claims" to not like peanut butter - you sure have enough of it! You are truely a closet pb eater I bet! I love her boy jeep shirt with her waterfountain pony tail. Man it's been TOO long since we've seen that little thing!

Randy and Janna said...

Oh yeah, wanted to tell you too - those kid lock things that go over door nobs are GREAT! I had one on our pantry and the basement door when Kaid was that age - she still has trouble getting it open!

Cindy said...

4 peanut butter canisters? LOL!

Love the pics of her in the tub! She makes great faces! We need to have a play date and soon.

Michele Patterson said...

Glad to see that I'm not the only one with 4 jars of peanut butter. Not sure why I collect it... :)