Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Avery is fine, yea! :) She slept great!....mommy didn't though!

Here is a video from yesterday. Of course I couldn't get her kicking and splashing and jumping around in the water but this is also one of her favorite things to do in the water. Julia informed me later on that Kaid said "the stroller pushed Avery......but the stroller didn't move on it's own." (You gotta love kids! :) Kaid loves her baby dolls and is very possessive of them and was pushing them around in the baby stroller and Avery was going after the stroller/babies and Kaid doesn't want ANYONE touching "her" babies/stroller. Guess we learned that they can't have the stroller outside together. Isn't the first boo-boo and certainly won't be the last since Avery is such an active child!

1 comment:

Michele Patterson said...

She is so cute! Too bad about the goose egg though. They bouce back so fast though. Greta & I watched it twice in a row. She loved it!

She wants to type a little:


