Had my Dr's appt today and the baby's heartbeat was 150bpm & when I looked in Avery's baby journal at 28 wks & 5 days her heartbeat was also 150 (the only time she made it into the 150 range)...hmmmmm, how ironic is that?! She said I was measuring right on and then I asked her something I didn't want to but I knew I had to...if she thought I had a hernia...yes I said a hernia!!! When she checked me nothing was sticking out like it has been on some days (TMI?!) but said she's 90% sure that's what it is. They normally would do a CAT scan to check but due to my pregnancy they can't do one. She also thinks I can make it till after the baby is born to have surgery. Again, how ironic, had to have my first surgery ever after Avery was born but for a dermoid cyst on my ovary. I thought I would NEVER say this but with having 2 uncomfortable/painful symptoms "down there" I'm so ready to have this baby! I will take a picture tomorrow, my hormones got the best of me today and I had some melt downs, it started when Avery woke me at 630ish am complaining about her thigh hurting, then her belly hurt, then her area "down there" hurt oh so much whining was had. Also, at my Dr's appt. they closed the lab due to shortage of help so I had to drive to another building and the guy had to try both arms to get my blood drawn for my glucose test, then back to the Dr's office for a shot since I have negative blood, then I noticed Avery's one eye had goop in it and was a tad redish so after a few phone calls & some tears I called the pediatrician's office to have her checked out AGAIN - her 2nd trip in less than a week (last week was a allergic reaction to neosporin)! We saw yet another pediatrician and Avery loved her, so did I, she said it was too early to tell if Avery had pink eye, she wasn't concerned about her thigh (Avery is still limping tonight) and that it is common for girls 4-6 yrs of age to have redness "down there" due to hot baths, wet swimming suits & not wiping correctly! DING! DING! DING! Avery does all 3 things!
Allllllllllrighty then now that you didn't want to know all that I will sign off! :) Tomorrow is another day and we will know if she had pink eye or if it's just allergies or a cold in her eye.
Allllllllllrighty then now that you didn't want to know all that I will sign off! :) Tomorrow is another day and we will know if she had pink eye or if it's just allergies or a cold in her eye.
Update as of today, Sept. 2, 2011: Got a call from the nurse yesterday that I'm anemic (good grief wasn't with Avery) how ironic since we got an entire cow this year that's all I've been eating is beef!! So I have to take an iron supplement. Today was my last u/s and I'm measuring 4 days behind (27 wks and 4 days) and I'm 28 weeks and 3 days, baby's heartbeat was 146 & weighs 2lbs. 10 oz and yea the cysts on the baby's brain are gone, as they expected they would be!! woohoo!
Last sneak peak.....side view
Are you looking at me?!
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