I had a Dr's appt. on Fri. July 29th for my monthly check and got to see a new Dr. I REALLY liked her, she was a new Dr. and very through. Anyway, at my last appt. on June 29th I had told my regular OBGYN I've been having pressure "down there" and she brushed it off saying that is normal after delivering a child vaginally. Well over the next month some days were worse than others and figured out a lot of it was from my chair at the CPA firm, so I lowered it and took a pillow in to sit on, plus if I'm on my feet all day at the craft store I feel it a lot more. I insisted that I be checked and the Dr. agreed, she checked me and did some kind of swab test and said yup that I was dilated a little on the outside but everything was closed up on the inside which was good and that I don't need bed rest just to not lift heavy things. That was a HUGE relief to me because it's just not my nature to sit or lay (don't get me wrong I have my lazy days which consits of scrap booking and messing around on the computer :) Don't worry I'm not over-doing anything, I take my breaks at the craft store and when I'm at home but if I don't do the work at home it just won't get done, that's just how it is at our house. Josh does a good job on the outside and keeping his jeep clean and I will just leave.it.at.that. :) The baby's heartbeat was 150 and butterball has been very active :)
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