Avery went to the her Pediatrician on June 17th. I kept telling her she was going and that she will get shots but then will be all better. On the way up she said "I don't go to the Dr. I all better....k!" Ahhhhh. Of course she remembered exactly where we were going even though she hadn't been there since her last check up which was 6 mos ago...she didn't forget....cried and then she didn't even need any immunizations then...yea! She was 26 lbs. 3 oz and 34 1/2 inches tall! Dr. Strong said by age 2 they want them to say 20 words and 2 word sentences....I said she's been doing that since age 1 and he said "Oh yes she's a chatter box!"
New things I can do and say in the last 3 months:
21 months:
*Your comprehension and understanding of things is just amazing! You just get it!
*Your balance is still unbelievable
*You understand what hiding is :)
*You like to take showers
*You know where your cheek is and ours too
*Your memory is amazing!
*You tell me what you don't like to eat (and the list keeps getting longer :(
*You can climb up the steps and go down the slide by yourself
*You know what a puter (aka computer) and keyboard is
*You compliment people saying "I like your shirt, I like your pants, I like your shoes..."
*Whenever you say good bye to someone or something you also say "see you tomorrow!"
22 months:
*You can sing your ABC's but you always forget y & z
*You sing so many new songs and still love singing and dancing
*You try and pull your feet and skin on your cheeks off!
*You tell me "I so happy!"
*You go down the steps the correct way
*You say "Look at me" when you are doing something you want us to see
*On May 2 you counted to ten like you normally do then said "11, 12, 14 :)
*You can roll your hands
23 months:
*You say "um" and "how about" when I ask you questions
*You say "I can do it" or "I can't do it"
*You like to say "Hooray!"
*You tell me "I so cute"....and well you are :)
*You can turn the water on at the sink in the bathroom
*Your tenses you use in sentences is amazing
*Your sense of direction is unbelievable!
*You know if you eat a frozen go-gurt to fast you get brain freezer (aka brain freeze!)
*Your are a little repeat!
These are just some highlights your speech and comprehension for a now 2 year old is just amazing and hard to keep track of all the things you say! You are just like a little person to us who makes us smile, laugh and yes frustrated at times but we love you so much!
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