Avery watching Daddy mow on her Birthday (yikes I thought I cleaned the window pretty good..until the sun shines in! :(
Yes I made Avery help me clean the house....lol...she was actually begging me for the broom...that will change in a few years!
Nana dropped off some balloons in the morning for Avery's party. She loves balloons and that was my "theme" this year.
So excited, mouth open arms a flappin!
Mom had kept Avery for me on Friday for most of the day so I could get the cupcakes baked, frosting made, cleaning done, etc., etc. so on Avery's Bday we actually had time to go to Proper's and swim since her party wasn't until the evening. Avery was in her glory as usual in the pool!
Josh did an awesome job on the burgers and hot dogs!
Avery at 1 year old....now she's 2....man that flew!

The Birthday Girl......She loved her dress that Miss Kaidrie let us borrow! It was so cute and even had balloons on it :) Perfect!
I LOVE her face in this picture. Her G & G Crilow couldn't be here so they sent her gift....she got her 1st hook bracelet just like her mommy's!

"Thanks everyone for all my presents.....I LOVE them all!!"
Party: $75.00
Presents: $200.00
Look on her face when she realized we were singing to her: PRICELESS!!!
She was a hoot! She loves singing and sang with us and I think it clicked that it was all about her! She even knew to blow out her candle (I didn't tell her too) and then she said "do again" so we sang 3 more times and she got to blow out her candle! So sweet!
She never did eat her cupcake......after everyone left she went to the table and said "where did my birthday party go?" I had thrown her cupcake away and that was what she was referring too. She's not a big sweets eater and I know that will change too!
The "after hours" party. Proper's and Janna and kids stayed and helped me clean up and then we had a dance party in the kitchen!

Miss Kaid so pretty!
Mr. Kason so quiet! I couldn't believe every time I saw him that week how QUIET he was. He'll be the big ONE on June 23rd! Maybe I'm used to a chatter box....Avery talked so early and a lot....must be a girl/boy thing.
Sunday June 14th after Church and lunch we went to Proper's to swim again and Avery got upgraded to water wings! I thought maybe by end of summer she'd be wearing them...wrong! She does so well at her age in the water.
The girls first have to hold my hand to jump in then when I'm done with that Kaid will jump in on her own and well Miss Avery has to do what Kaid does and jumped in on her own! They were jumping fools!

She would stand on the edge and say "look at me or watch me" sometime she would count and then jump in! In a way I couldn't believe it and then in another way I could.

She would stand on the edge and say "look at me or watch me" sometime she would count and then jump in! In a way I couldn't believe it and then in another way I could.
Kaids turn!

After Avery's short nap and Janna had left we all got back in the pool and the boys were throwing Miss Avery.......yes she is in the picture below can't see her since she's underwater....after that she said "all done", she didn't cry but from that point on when she would jump in she wanted someone there to catch her hands when she jumped in. I think she went under too many times but I know next time we go she'll pick up where she left off!
After Avery's short nap and Janna had left we all got back in the pool and the boys were throwing Miss Avery.......yes she is in the picture below can't see her since she's underwater....after that she said "all done", she didn't cry but from that point on when she would jump in she wanted someone there to catch her hands when she jumped in. I think she went under too many times but I know next time we go she'll pick up where she left off!
This is after jumping in all day w/o help, then being thrown back and forth I finally remembered to video her. She did jump in but was hesitant since like I said she had gone under I think one too many times. Sorry I thought I had it on pause so I taped just the water for some of it :(
This is also after are 3rd time singing I taped her.....we got the 1st singing on our video camera but I wanted pictures and then again I remembered I can video with my camera.
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