I was so happy that Alex could wear the exact same outfit as Avery did when she was 4 mos! I felt silly though b/c it was 70 some degrees outside for the middle of March!


I told Martha I wanted a picture of Miss Alex's tongue sticking out and she captured it perfectly!
The above pictures were take by Martha Stutzman, All Occasion Photography.
She's just growing up too fast, holding her own uno cards ;)
The week before this I noticed if she was ANY bit inclined she'd try to sit up! So she goes from this to......
to this!!! That got her - her first bloody nose/head bonk. Josh had her in her bumbo seat on the steps landing, he was sitting right beside her putting his shoes on and he said it was like slow motion, she lunged and missed the 3 steps and fell face first on her kitchen tile floor :( OUCH! Avery and I were in Medina. He ended up taking her to see Dr. Strong at the end of the day and he said she was fine. Ugh, I'm sure it's the first of many, they say the 2nd one is way ornerier!
Every now and then she will hold her own bottle. It's usually a fight when we feed her to keep her bottle IN!
Awwww my little tongue sticking out blue eyed cutie!
"Are you looking at me?!"
Yup on St. Patty's Day she was 4 mos old! 14 lbs, 4 oz and 24"! Only 4 oz heavier than Avery at that age BUT 3/4" shorter! Dr. Strong said she looks great and is a mover!
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