My Aunt Judy got Avery these jammies with matching jammies for her baby. CUTE!

Can't believe Avery is 4.5 yrs old. One of the middle of the night feedings when Avery was up with me, she was just talking away and said "ya, I'm 4and a half...don't know what a half means but that's how old I am!" ha.ha.

Our family tradition when we were kids was to open up our stockings and I've continued this with my family now. Avery was so appreciate with every thing she opened. Every gift would go like this: "OHHHHHHH just what I always wanted a (whatever she opened)" Some I knew she didn't have a clue what is was so I would ask her after she said It's what I was wanted "do you know what it is?" Avery "No!" haha. Or she would say "This is the best lip gloss I ever got, pretties headband I ever got, etc., etc." Just makes you so warm and happy inside to see her joy and appreciation!
Notice Josh's tongue hanging out and people wonder why Avery as a baby and now Alexandria always stick out their tongue! ha!
My girls...all 3 of them..hee.hee.
Nana gave us cookies to bake and all I had to do was heat the oven, open the package and bake them...I even struggled to do that just didn't feel that good but Avery kept begging and I couldn't let her down or Santa!
So sweeeeeeet! This is before we read Twas the Night Before Christmas....
Christmas morning and Avery was SO impressed Santa wrote her a note and that again he knew her name, ate most of his cookies, drank his milk and that Rudolph ate most of his carrot too!
One of her favorite gifts was a sleeping bag that was pink AND purple! She's been using it every day and even slept in it on her bed on night and yesterday she took a nap in it!
Then after our Christmas at home on to Proper's....................
Mimi reading to the kids before chaos takes place.
Mr. Kason!
Loving her new headband Mimi and Pop got her, made by one talented Amy Loveday!
Then later that night back to our house for the Hall's and Mom...............
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