I never thought this day would come that I would get the chance to be a mommy again! But on the morning of Thurs. Nov. 17
th the day had finally arrived. I was to be induced on Monday, Nov. 21st, the day before my due date so I wouldn't be in the hospital over Thanksgiving, but you had other plans for us! I was awoken by
braxton hicks at 2am, so I thought since I've been having them since 14-16
wks pregnant. I switched positions and noticed they didn't let up. So I got out of bed and went downstairs, read some on labor signs and noticed my contractions were 10 minutes apart. I was
texting my friend, Jen and at 3:20am I noticed they were 5-6
mins. apart, she suggested I go to the hospital. I had NO other signs of labor so I was doubting myself and my body. At 3:30 I finally woke up Josh and called my mom. 4am we left for the half hour drive to the hospital in Wooster. On Prairie Lane I noticed they were 3-4
mins. apart and asked Josh to drive faster, felt like he was going 20 mph! Got to hospital at 4:27 am and they were just unlocking the doors to the Women's
Pavilion, after a contraction I got out of the car, the check in nurse told me which room to go in and put my gown on and a nurse will be in to check me. By the time I got my gown on I was ready to push (spare the details ;) I told Josh to go get a nurse...NOW! He said when he went to get a nurse they said "she needs checked already, you just got here?!" The nurse told me to get in bed and checked me and I was 8.5 cm already, I said "NO, that means no epidural" and she said "I'm sorry you are too far along!" Then Dr. Sharon
Marcanthony came in and was going to give me a local for the crowning of the head, but NO time for that either, she broke my water and 1 push later at 5:03 am hello Baby!!!

My last picture of my pregnancy, wanted a better on at the hospital but NO time for that!

Oh my that was a rush and still seems unreal! I can't believe I did it naturally - didn't have a choice! I'm just thankful we made it to the hospital, that a Dr. was there and that my delivery went so fast! The nurse at this point said "Hi Buddy" so I thought we did have a boy, then the Dr. asked Josh to look and tell me what we had....a girl :) I don't know if it's b/c it was my 2nd delivery or b/c I didn't have any drugs but I felt MUCH better this time around!

Took us 5 hours and I finally gave in and let Josh name you Alexandria and I picked Nicole. Weighing in at 6 lbs, 3 oz., 18.5" long.
I saw Dr. Marcanthony one time at for one of my appts and LOVED her and so happy she was on call! She was awesome!
This is Dr. Rebecca Russell, the Dr. I saw 99% of the time, she was on vacation but stopped in to see me. I also like her too!
Her first "bath"
Miss Avery all smiles on her way to meet her baby sister for the 1st time! She said she didn't like the name Alexandria, she wanted butterfly, flower or cupcake! Then on the way home she said "actually Alexandria is a GREAT name!"
She was SOOOOO sweet with her! You are just thrilled that we had a girl!
Couldn't stop giving her kisses and bear hugs!
Nana meeting Miss Alexandria for the 1st time.
And so is Mimi and Pop-Pop...........
Aunt Bethy and Leah stopped in later that night to meet you! You were born on Uncle Brian's 50th Bday!
Then Dr. Strong was your last "visitor" he is your pediatrician. He couldn't believe how well you were doing and strong your head was!
The next day, Jen and Natalie came to meet you!
and later that night, Aunt Janna finally gets to meet you!
You are such a peanut!


Our 1st picture as a family of 4! You couldn't tell Miss Avery was crying b/c she missed her mommy SO much she just wanted me to come home! I could have come home on Friday but Alex had a slight case of jaundice and they wanted to run another test on Sat. morning.
Smiling b/c you get to go home!

Miss Avery 6lbs. 3.5 oz & 18.75" (born on your due date!) and Miss Alex 6 lbs. 3 oz & 18.5" (born 5 days early). Avery had darker hair and darker eyes but I think you two look alike!
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