Just some in between pictures of our Busy June days.

Crazy how this dress is a 2t and couldn't wear it till last year and again this year. I love it and the little girl wearing it :)

Loving her new scooter (thanks Mast's) with her new Twinkle Toe shoes (thanks Thorpe's)!

Got to swim after her Bday Party. She still LOVES the water and I'm so glad.

Being goofy girl with Calie!

Awww so pretty!

It poured and hailed when we got home! So much rain we got in so little time!

Mommy and Avery ready for Church.

We took a walk after her Bday dinner and she LOVES to swing on this, it's a MUST when we are out walking!

Ready for Leah's Bridal Shower in her new Bday Cupcake Dress (thank G & G Crilow!)

Sneak Peek at the pretty flower girls!

Beautiful Beechy Sisters, growing up too fast!

Avery LOVES her Aunt Bethy and I'm pretty sure Kaid does too :)

Their faces just say trouble....sweetness...but trouble :)
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