Well we're still chugging along on our jammed packed June. I had promised Avery a train ride for her Bday (I had 2 free tickets I got WAAAAYYY back in Feb. and of course they expired June 30th) I wasn't sure when I was going to work a trip to Lodi in but Sat. morning we made a quick trip plus Gap Outlet was having 40% off everything and I had an additional 25% on top of that and needed something to wear for 2 upcoming weddings! We went to Kohl's (had 30% off plus you got Kohl's cash!), Gap Outlet and train ride!

I did take my camera but forgot it in the car....sigh! She just loves to ride the train up there and was waiving to everybody!

Later that day we headed to Mohican Gardens for Mike & Tammy Hudson's Wedding. The reception was inside a greenhouse and Avery loved it, they had fish in the pond, birds in a cage and butterflies (but we didn't find those). Not sure what's up with her poses.

Of course since she found out she's going to be a big sister Cinderella comes EVERYWHERE with us now :)


Avery got a new pair of shoes - LOVES THEM! Yup she's a typcial girl, loves shoes. I was happy b/c they were on clearance and Gap outlet had 40% off plus I had an additional 25% off...yea!

My loves!

I couldn't believe it 1st attempt and Avery and Josh were both smiling and they both had their eyes open! This is the 2nd picture and still they both cooperated and this was even at the end of the night! :)
I finally rememberd to video Avery dancing the night away.

The next day we headed to Johnstown to help Kason celebrate his 3rd Bday! He fell asleep when the party started.
I just can't believe he is 3 already! Happy Bday Sweet Boy!
Making sure he got ALL the frosting! lol.

Just when I thought I knew my own family, Avery ate frosting and so did Josh on HoHo cake!

Presents! Miss A's 3rd outfit of the day (not counting what she wore to the party)! Oh my! Kaid loves to dress her up and put make up on her and Avery loves it too!

Redneck entertainment!

Paul you are a tropper! The kids loved it!

Thanks again!