OK really?! Old Man Winter enough is enough!!!

I gave Avery an early Easter present. I was tired of her hoarding everything behind the recliner or under her table so I caved in and let her open an early gift (plus we won't be home at Easter). SHE LOVED IT!
Within ten minutes this was what she had collected in her tent! I should have waited b/c later that night she had her shopping cart and lots of pretend food in there! Oh my!
Avery was so excited over this HUGE strawberry! She gets excited at the little things :)
She informed me this was a picture of me!
While getting ready for our trip I had gotten out last years clothes and made her try them on to see if they would fit and then she had a fit because she couldn't wear short pants (aka shorts) and short sleeves so I let her and this is what she chose! ha!
FINALLY a nice warm 80 degree on Sunday April 10th. We went to Proper's and Josh got out the 4wheeler and Avery LOVED IT!!!!
I'm still in denial that it even happened and ON ITS OWN! I had a consult with a new OBGYN on March 1st and turns out it was for nothing...ok I had to pay $132 :( (got to love our crappy insurance!) But she gave me lots of options and at first I decided on Clomid but I never got it filled since she said "at my age there is only a 5% chance of getting pregnant and with clomid it only goes up to 8%") so I decided on the dye test to make sure my tubes were still open, so I waited on my period to start, then my mom had a stroke and kinda forgot I was late, which is NOT like my body at all but thought with the stress of mom I was just going to be late! Well there were other signs so I finally took and test and couldn't believe it! I mean 2 years of trying, 2 miscarriages and 14 mos since the last miscarriage with NOTHING and with us going to be gone I didn't want it to happen and be out of State with my history so we weren't trying and BAM! Ha! Shows I'm not in control like I think I am :) I had a good feeling from seeing the DARK vertical line on the test that - that was good news. With all 3 of my miscarriages (had one before Avery) the line was very faint and when I was pregnant with Avery it was also dark, none the less I was immediately on edge! With the result of a positive test came LOTS of blood work and appointments. First they checked my HCG level on Friday, March 25th and called late that day to say the # was very high (which is great news!), then I had to go the following Monday and waited patiently all day and NO phone call - ugh! The next day I had yet another appointment with a nurse and I finally asked her what my HCG level was and she said "oh my it was so high on Friday it won't double but that's ok.....lets see it was 10,000ish on Friday and 17,000ish on Monday) so yea another good report!
Then finally on Wed. March 30th I got to see the Doctor and she wanted to do an ultra sound since I'm considered high risk (anyone over the age of 35 is now considered high risk). At first I didn't think anything was in there and my heart sank but we saw the embryo, saw it flicker, she said the sac is nice and high in my uterus and the placenta looked nice and thick. Sheeewww another good report but still I was on edge and not letting myself get excited.
Avery doesn't know for sure that I'm having a baby and I'd like to keep it that way since as you know kids are VERY impatient! :)
She will make an EXCELLENT big sister that is for sure!
Last Friday, April 8th I got a call from the Dr's office that the rest of my lab results were all good and that my progesterone level was normal, it was actually high which was a relief b/c if not I would of had to go on progesterone and it was going to cost me $221 for one month and I would have to be on it for 2 months! So yea yet another good report! The Dr. wanted to see me one more time before we left so today (April 12th) I went again and again she did another ultra sound and we saw the heart beating as fast as it could :) She said everything looks great and with seeing a heartbeat and being 8 weeks miscarriage drops and she'll see me in 3 weeks! I'm finally letting myself be excited because knowing this will be my last pregnancy I want to ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I feel great besides the "normal" first trimester symptoms. I had a great pregnancy and delivery with Avery and just keep praying for the same with this one! I know everything happens for a reason and going through all this I had lost Faith and was talking myself into being ok with having one child. I know we are blessed because some people don't even get to experience getting pregnant at all plus she's just getting easier to take care of, etc. but we're beyond THRILLED that we are getting this chance to bring another miracle into the world, Lord willing, on Nov. 22, 2011. Thanks to everyone for your support during our journey! Truly appreciate it!
I've been waiting (un)patiently for this post!! Reading it brought tears to my eyes just like it did the first time you told me! LOVE the 2nd u/s pic - look at how much little one has grown already!! Again, a HUGE congrats! Love you guys and you are totally right - miss Avery will be a great big sis!!
hmmm... (im)patiently...
Must be a sister thing...Jonna's been begging me to let her tell people. I could have waited to post but oh well who doesn't want good news?! SLOWLY sinking in I think I say in my head a thousand times a day WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!! ;)
A true ThanksGiving! Yay!
wow, so exciting to read your on-going story!!! and so excited for you all! :-)
Such great news!! Congrats!
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