Mom still watches Avery 2x's a week and once in awhile 3 (if I need a sitter while I work at Walnut Creek) and Avery just LOVES her choo-choo train!
We had a surprise waiting for us when we got up on Friday morning. So while I shoveled Avery could hardly contain herself...she LOVES eating snow!
We had another surprise Saturday morning. Mimi and Pop-Pop kept Avery Friday night while we went to our 3rd and final Christmas Party, so Saturday morning after Mimi and Avery went to the Craft Show she dropped Miss A off then a little while later in comes Janna and kids....Avery was so excited! The kids played about an hour while Janna ran to the craft show. Then Saturday night on their way home they stopped back in and we got pizza and the kids got to play again! I was glad because Avery had slept 4 hours that day and I was afraid she wouldn't sleep that night but she did all night long...yea!

Some cute ones of Kaid and Avery
Then trying to get all 3 to cooperate just wasn't happening!
Avery's little nest on Sunday morning :)
2 thumbs up on being 3.5 yrs old today! This year is flying by so quickly!
Just being silly!
Night time routine with Daddy.....being carried up the steps
Getting ready to be.............
Over again! I'm afraid one of these nights there is going to be a bitten lip or tongue :( But she just LOVES it!
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