I can't believe it was 4th of July already! What awesome weather too we've been having! Josh had wanted to go away for the long weekend but I didn't want too since Avery and I had a BUSY June and so glad we stayed home! What a nice 4 days off I had, family, food, kitties, swimming, jeep rides and relaxing!
Sat. morning we went to Proper's to see Kaidrie, Kason and play with the kitties!
If these kitties don't make it - it won't be b/c they weren't loved it will be b/c they were loved TOO much! ha!
Then at noon me, mom, Avery and Kaid headed to downtown Millersburg for the 4th of July Festivities. We ran into my Aunt and her Granddaughter, Aila. Aila is on her knees and still taller then Avery :)
Sleepy girl. I kept her up past her normal nap time so she would have a later nap and be awake for the fireworks later that evening.
Kaidrie getting her face painted.
Kaidrie wouldn't let me take pictures of her cheeks after they were painted. So this is the best I got....Janna, Mimi did get some pictures then.
Avery's turn.

My beautiful niece and beautiful daughter!
They got balloons & got to see a lot of balloons get released, they thought that was pretty cool!
They did some painting.
Played in the bounce house!
Mmmmmmmm ice cream!
Haha look at Avery's face :)

After the festivities uptown we went back to Proper's and the girls swam and played with kitties. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture! When I took it I was mad b/c I thought I cut too much of her out of the picture but when I viewed it on my computer I loved it!
Later that night when Daddy FINALLY got home from trail riding we went back up town and waiting in line FOREVER for Avery to get her balloon - she picked a flower.
Then we headed to Aunt Jonna's to watch the fireworks from her yard.
Sunday morning Avery and I headed to Church and I was so proud of her. When it was time for the Children's Message Avery went up by herself and stayed there till it was over! Pastor Tom had cupcakes for the kids and gave them one AFTER church was over.
We headed back to Proper's again on Monday and Avery finally swam - she's been WAY to busy with the kitties to swim and boy did she swim......she just takes off on her own on her back! Mom had come up for lunch but left before Avery started swimming.
What an awesome little swimmer - I never thought about teaching them to swim on their backs first...
yes those poor poor kitties... I could see the fear i their eyes with the arm flap and the swing. Kason looked so sleepy in that video. Boy won't let himself sleep when he's having so much fun!
The Rodhe girls said kids are either better at swimming on their backs or belly and Avery was an obvious back swimmer that's for sure! Got to work on her belly now.
Yes Kason was pretty tired, couldn't get a smile out of him when I wanted one :(
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