Mmmmm Bing Cherries! Delish!

We went to Target and out to eat with my friend Norma and her daughter and when we dropped them off Rachelle offered to give Avery a pony ride on Twinkle.
There isn't an aminal Avery doesn't love!
Later that night some of our classmates got together since Thong Nguyen was visiting. He moved when we were sophomores and hadn't been back to Millersburg in 24 years! I LOVE our class!
Jonna and Donnie had stopped in for bit.
Miss Avery growing up too fast. All prettied up for Church.
Chilling out!
Wed. July 21, Julia watched Avery and took her (she also had Kaid for a few days) back to Columbus and they went on a field trip.....ya WITHOUT me and it was MY idea! HA! So I stole these pictures from Janna. They went to the airport where Uncle Randy works.
Avery wanted to know where they were flying too! LOL. I wish Avery!
Kason was NOT impressed in the overhead bin. LOVE his face!
Randy's Office aka his home away from home! Thanks for the tour Randy, Avery LOVED it!
We headed to Pleasant Hill Lake one evening, for a cookout that Alex and Linda were having.
Blowing bubbles.
Eating chippies!
Linda and Alex :)
Avery's first ride on a jet ski!
She LOVED it!
Love this picture! They kept floating away and when I was ready there were behind this plant but love how it turned out!
Then we all 3 went for a ride.....what fun!
This was the next day....she spent the entire day at Beechy's while I nap, played with their kitties, Megan and Clay! On the way home in Berlin she said "mama turn the radio down I'm going to sleep...Megan wore me out!" LOL and she did! Such a lady like pose...oh my!
1, 2, 3 jumppppppppppp!
P - U did you fart Avery??!! Love Pop-Pop's face!
LOVE this picture! She had NO clue I was taking it :)
Oh my!!! Talking away on her "phone" in her pj's and dress shoes :)
Mast's came home Fri. and Sat. so we got LOTS of swim time plus we went on Sunday too (that post will be later)!
Trying to get Kason to pee outside we thought if we got him wet it would make him luck at least NOT in the grass ;)
Avery going underwater more and more.
Josh coaxed Kaidrie to swim on her back and now we have 2 back swimmers....yea girls!
Miss Avery
Miss Kaidrie
Oh wouldn't we like to know!
Yea Mr. Kason loves going in the pool all by himself now with his floaties :)
Mommy and her little ducklings :)
Oh these kitties tolerate SO much!
Another picture I LOVE!
Poor kitty!
mmmmm thanks for the drumstick Jody....mmmmm
Ice cream face!
One of my absolute FAVES!!! Candid shots are becoming my favorite!
Later that evening we headed to Princess Natalie's Birthday Party! They had a great time in the bounce house!
Her Princess cake her mommy baked and her aunt Amber decorated. Nice job girls!
Avery excited with her good bag.
Having fun in the kiddie pool.
Also, please say a prayer for my SIL, Janna. Last Wed. July 28th she finally got an answer and not the answer she wanted but expected.....she will be having a miscarriage :( As of Sat. she's had no symptoms of one, please pray her body cooperates and lets Mother Nature take her course.