Proper's 19 yr old cat died sometime in the Spring and so they have one cat left, Coach, and decided to get some kitties! So last Saturday Max and Joan brought 3 over and we helped them choose 2 AND I forgot my camera! But I knew we couldn't stay away from those kitties very long and I remembered my camera last night.

This is the boy soon to be Thing 1

This is his sister and soon to be Thing 2!

Needless to say Avery is in HEAVEN!

Avery has taken a liking to Thing 2 and is very tolerant of Avery's "love"!
She is SO busy with them up, down, moving them around and can hardly stand it when they are in their house! They have adapted pretty well to their new surroundings and Coach isn't impressed with them at all.....for now!
I'm so glad to finally get to see pictures of these new additions! Kaid can't wait to see them tomorrow... and well, I don't think they will be as happy to see Kason! Glad miss A is enjoying them!
Kason did great with them. He is really gentle considering the rough and tumble dozer that he is. Great pictures Jody.
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