I didn’t even use many tags. (Just coded them by wrapping.)
We didn’t have a November family picture for our Christmas cards – I ended up using pictures taken during the year.
I didn't jam pack my December calendar like I normally do. (Felt guilty but getting over it! ;)
I didn't go to Christmas Eve Service since we had my mom over and that is OK.
Mmmmm the wine, the Filet Mignon..........
Avery was SOOOO sweet to watch opening her presents from mom.
Your expressions say it all!
I didn’t make ANY cookies with cut outs or beautiful icing or any candy or ANYTHING. But thanks to my Mother-In-Law Santa did have homemade cut outs with icing :) (But Santa said he would have been fine with oreos.....he told me so ;)
I didn’t cook anything on Christmas Day NOR did we leave the house. (Stouffer's. Thank you.) This was the first in years that I can EVER remember staying home on Christmas...ALL day.
I didn't get out my jammies either on Christmas Day and neither did Avery :) Well Avery did but just to change into a new pair :)
I didn't get to see some of my family and friends. (This is ONE "didn't" I DIDN'T LIKE!)
I didn’t take enough pictures – I was too busy being in the moment. (But I’ll probably regret it.)
I didn’t pick up the millions of barbies and accessories that have been underfoot for days. (Ok I surrendered.)
I didn’t take one piece of Christmas decor down till Monday since I felt the itch, I went ahead and put our stockings, holders, manger sceenes and Avery's tree away. I leave my pine, snowflakes and snowmen out till end of Feb. but feeling the itch to put those away too since I want to put some of my NEW stuff up I got for Christmas ;)
I didn’t break out into hives when the house threw up all the new toys and all the great gifts she got from everybody else (THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE!). I'm still working on rearranging and figuring out where to put it all :)
Josh and I didn’t exchange gifts and we didn't spoil Avery (believe me I could have! Trust me she had a GREAT Christmas and keeps telling me so :) (I will thank myself in June when her Bday rolls around b/c I'm all done shopping for her :)
We visited Mabel (Josh's Gma), Avery's Great Gma and yes Josh is taking this picture...stinker!
Avery's face Christmas morning! She said "Wow I must have been good to get all these presents!"
Post Christmas!
She loves her easel that Mimi and Pop-Pop got for her.
Sunday morning, all dressed up for Church.
Then we headed to Proper's for lunch and presents!
Kids were excited!
Singing their cute little hearts out!
Tick Tock I'm a clock! Playing with Uncle Josh/Daddy :)
Ya we wish this would have happened but it didn't....they are all fakers!
Happy Birthday Jeannette! (Dec. 24th)
Christmas with cousins and coccia house :)
Every year, I have all of these visions of what our Holidays will be in my head -- And those visions pretty much never happen. It’s never perfect. I never accomplish all that want to. Every year I say, I’ll make a list of those things I want to get done and make sure to do them. And every year life gets in the way.
A whole lot of “didn’t” happen but a whole lot did. And every year I realize how very OK with that I am. Our Holidays don’t end up our like my visions -- but they always turn out just fine or sometimes so much better then I envisioned.
I hope your Holiday was all you (didn’t) envision and so, so, so much more. :)
Cheers to 2011! I have a feeling it's going to be a GREAT year!