I patiently waited to take my test Christmas morning (I knew it would be positive!) and then I wrapped it up and gave it to Josh....he wouldn't let me take his picture. Then on Dec. 27th the all to familiar signs of a pending miscarry began!!! I couldn't believe it was happening again!! I called the nurse on Monday and she convinced me to come up and give blood and I had to again on Wed. and today I got my results via phone since the office was closed that I did miscarry again! How heartbreaking and so many questions I have. I made an appointment when I was there on Wed. to see my OBGYN on Jan. 15th to see what he has to say and where to go from here. It would be easier on me and everyone else to say forget it but I feel since I am getting pregnant that - that is a positive sign but I don't know how much more heartache I can take. Thank you to all of you who have supported us through this again!! It's wonderful to have so many of you in our lives!

Jesus is he with you?;
I wonder every day; I sit and wonder why he's gone And why he could not stay;
Every part of me is empty; I feel I can't go on;But then I look to Heaven; I hear this beautiful song;
Mommy I am with him; He holds me in his arms; Whenever I am with him he keeps me safe and warm;
He says you shouldn't worry; I am safe and loved right here; With all the other baby Angels that passed within the years;
We have a special place up here; He thought that you should know; Where the Blessed Mother takes your place for now until you show;
When I hear this precious little voice; From the Heaven's above I know that all the Angels are showering him with love;
For everyone that wants to hear; Their babies voice so innocent and sweet; Just close your eyes and begin to pray and embrace them in your sleep.
Love to you guys...I'm so sorry.
Jody - what a beautiful poem - I love it. Just think - just as we watch Kaid, Avery and Kason play at our feet our other 5 little angel babies are playing at Jesus' feet. It sucks so bad (for us... not them - they are so blessed!). I hate it that you had to go through this heart break again. Many more hugs and I pray that one day soon you are able to hold another little one in your arms and this will all make sense.
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