What a busy week......with normal work week, getting Avery's Big Girl Room ready, then Wed. night met Berdene and Ellis (Josh's Aunt and Uncle up from Florida), Brian and Kathy another aunt and uncle, Beth and clan, Mike and Julia at Bags for dinner and fellowship, then Thurs. night Beth and Leah dropped Miss Kaid off at our house so girls played together for awhile, Fri. Janna and Kason came home so we all headed to the outlet malls (minus Avery) then Fri. night Ellis, Berdene and Beechy's came to Proper's for pizza so another late night, Sat. Josh and I were busy picking up and delivering furniture then headed to Akron for Zoo and Hamburger Festival, Sunday was Church and later back to Proper's to drop off Avery for a sleepover - woohoo!
All weekend the girls matched - weird since neither Janna or I saw or knew what the other one had on....we have GREAT taste ;) Best picture I could get of them girls.....
This was HEADING to Akron AFTER Avery got up from her nap!!! She's had a rough week of fever for a few days, teething, being moved to a new bed,playing hard with her cousins, etc.
Pretty much all Josh and I saw of the zoo! We got there at 4:30 and they closed at 5pm - the couple that invited us didn't check the time and we all assumed they were open later then 5!! Well they weren't NOR did they let us in for free or a discount so Carrie had a membership and took the girls in for 20 mins and a train ride. Bless Carrie's heart since Avery was sooooo excited to see live animals.

Playing in the water outside the entrance.

Onto the Hamburger Festival in Downtown Akron - about 5 mins from the zoo....
Finally enjoying a yummy burger from Menches Brothers. It turned out to be a beautiful day...it was sprinkling when we left the Burg.
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