Friday, May 15, 2009

Finally A Beautiful Day in Ohio!

Hanging out on the porch with Mommy.

Her neighbor, Brennah, taught her how to go head first down the slide.....It's funny if the slide is hot from the sun Avery says "hot mommy blow it off!"

I can't STRESS how much she loves to swing.

Her first pair of Levi's :)

She also loves bubbles.

Doing her "flip" in the grass. What a beautiful day we had!


Lisa Feikert said...

The picture of the somersault is too cute! That's one to enlarge and frame.

Randy and Janna said...

It was a beautiful day wasn't it! I love the somersault one too! I'm enjoying the breeze blowing through my house today!

Jen Thorpe said...

love the new do!