Yes I'm "tinkling" as mommy is taking my picture! I'm not really all that interested in the potty unless I'm taking my bath.
I still do my "flips" all the time but now I can lift my leg!
Since 18 mos some new things I can do (it gets harder and harder to keep track since she's learning so much rapidly!) Some highlights I remember:
19 mos:
*You know what Dinosaurs are
*Where your knees are
*Your vocabulary grows faster then a weed! You now say "I want that!"...sigh!! :)
*You can make your voice change as in high or low or angry sounding
*Feb. 7th you started singing "we wuv you"....figured out Nana sang you the Barney song
*You started saying you were scared
20 mos:
*You say "ready, set, go!"
*Started taking off your shirts (if they were big enough)
*Feb. 14 you started singing tinkle, tinkle (aka twinkle twinkle little star)
*You walk around with your eyes closed and think it's so funny
*You know the names and characters of your cartoons on Noggin Channel (not a good sign ;)
*You tell me when you are thirsty
*New animals you know: fox, zebra, flamingo, crab, penguin,lady bug and the frog goes ribbit, ribbit
*When you want more of something you say "more peas"
*You can spin/twirl on one foot
*You can kick the ball
*Feb. 21 you can count to ten with some help
*You hide things in your hands and put them behind your back - daddy taught you that
*You know what to do with a camera as in you put it up to your eye and say "cheese!"
*You stack your toys and line them up
*You know where your arms and legs are
*You know when things are "all better"
*You like to be swung by your ankles....like a pendulum. You say tick tock :)
*You say dip it when you want ketchup or whatever
*You know when something itches
*Since you started watching Barney you give lots of Big hugs and kisses all the time :)
*March 7 you say "be careful" when you are doing certain things or when we do certain things to you!
*You know how to be nice or when I say be nice you pet my arm, leg, hair or whatever
*The songs you sing just AMAZE me and how quickly you catch on to the words (new songs: jingle bells - I know but Daddy loves singing that to you, ABC's ok not really a song but you can say them pretty well, All the Colors of the Rainbow, Rock-a-bye-baby and working on Jesus loves me)
*New saying "What happened?!"
*You are sleeping more and more frequently all night - you've given me 3 nights in a row once ;) used to be only once or twice every other week you'd sleep through the night.
*You are starting the shy stage.....I can't believe it!!!! ;)
*You started shutting all the doors upstairs.....not sure why but you are into that.
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