I weigh 22 lbs. and 12 oz. and I'm 32 1/4" and have 12 teeth. New Things I can now do or say since 15 months:
*Oct. 21, 2008 She said: Jody, Josh, Proper or more like Propler, Avery, Natawee aka Natalie. I mean there are SO many new words on a daily basis it's amazing how quickly they learn! She pretty much says anything we tell her to say......so fun! It is also amazing how she understands the things you say and the things she says. You just don't repeat you know what you are saying and why you are saying it! You think they are too young yet...just amazing! Your new saying is "where we going?!" You are really putting more and more words together. Since we started watching Natalie you two are learning from each other.....Natalie always puts an "ie" after many words and I've noticed you also do like bathie, bookie,cupie, etc. Also Nat says "thank-you buddy" and now you do to and sometimes you say "hi buddy or bye buddy".....you two are so funny!
*We are teaching you when to say: Thank you, I'm sorry, Please, Bless You, Excuse Me and Welcome. You do VERY well MOST of time....with a "reminder" :)
*You can now blow kisses too :) and say I love you....only if we say it first :)
*Also on Oct. 21 you realized you can lift the lid on the toilet seat......NOT GOOD! You also pull your toilet ring on the floor and sit on it. You tell me AFTER the fact you went "stinky" and when you are wet oh and when you burp or toot you giggle and say "tootin...cue me (excuse me)" :) .......I suppose potty training can now begin.......am I up for it??!! Help! Ok the next day you went potty! For now I only put you on when you are in the tub and 98% of the time you go on the potty and you know to wipe...such a big girl!!
*You call your belly button just button but you also know what a button is. You also know what a zipper and pockets are.
*Nov. 2008: You did a somersault ALL by yourself you say "flip". You do them VERY well. Now when you jump your feet actually leave the ground and you spin, spin, spin till you can't walk straight! You also know when you or things are stuck.
*You count one, two but most of the time you just say twooooooo. Today at lunch she said "mommy, 2 cups!" and there were! Amazing. I'm working on ABC's.....she likes when I sing them but doesn't repeat them yet! She still LOVES music and "sings" and dances all the time! You started head-banging at 18 1/2 mos. You are also into coloring and balls.
*You know what 'owies' are and you DON'T forget where one was on you or mommy or daddy!
*You know what Dark and Bright are; Hot, Cold,Wet, Soft, Hard and Heavy (you still try and lift EVERYTHING!). You also know when you are being Silly....you will come over and ask me "Sillwee Mom?" Sometimes you are and sometimes you aren't being silly.
*You play with your hair when you are tired and you still have to have your bippy and blankie.
*Sometimes you ask to go nite....nite and then you say bye-bye to anything and everything (toys, fire, tree, snowmen, baby, TB (aka TV), etc., etc.) you also do this when we go take a bath...so funny!
*You know what jammies, bib,diaper, socks, shoes, boots, slippies (aka slippers), belt, pants, coat and hats are. In fact you try and put EVERYTHING on your head as a hat from mommy's undies to your bowls. You also still LOVE shoes and love to put on everyone's.
*New animals you learned are: Piggy, Frog, Goat, Fish, Mouse, Chicken, Bunny, Bird, Butterfly (you call them Fly), Donkey (and you say eee-hawww), Monkey (and you say oohh oohh), Horse (you click your tongue), Chick (you say peep-peep), Snake (and you know to say eeewww!),and you say ship for sheep and "baaaa", turtle,frog, alligator, elephant, tiger and lion (you always growled but now you say what it is), bear, owl (you also say whoo-whoo), bee, chipmunk and elephant and you have know a piggy is now you know it goes oink, oink.
*You like Disney cartoons I let her watch in the morning (she says "TB on-on"), you know who tigger, piglet, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Handy Manny & Kelly are. You also get excited when you see boons (aka Balloons).
*You also know what Juice, Water, Milk, Cheese, Cup, bowl, Spoon, Noddlies (is any kind of pasta :), Ogurt (aka Yougurt), Appie (aka Apple), Banana, Raisins, Bottle, Pizza, Hamburger, Chicken, Pretzel, Corn, Cookie, Cake and Chips are and ask for them by name! Yes we are still on the bottle BUT she only takes one in morning and 1-2 at night. You know when the microwave beeps that your ba-ba is ready and you say "ready!". You know what medicine is and can say it too! When we watch FoodNetwork you say "mommy nummies!"
*You know what a brush, comb and toothbrush are and how to use them.
*You also feed your babies their ba-ba's and put them to sleep and you say with your finger over your lips "shhhh nite. nite". That started since we watch Natalie and I try to teach you to be quiet that Natalie is sleeping so anytime Avery gets up she'll say "shhhhh. Natawee Nite. Nite". So Silly :) Now you say "Wake Up"!
*You know what messes are - she should she makes enough of them :) She also knows what dirty is. I am working on her to help pick up her toys.
*You are still an independent child but the other day you said "help" and handed me your etch-a-sketch :)
*You know what the sun, moon and stars are and a car, boat, train and airplane of course you've known what a jeep is for sometime now ;) you now call it a beep beep :)
*You throw trash away in the trash can :)
*Now when you throw the ball (your favorite thing to do) you say "catch it!" since that's what we say to you and you can catch it sometimes :)
*You recognize your family in photo's (mommy, daddy, Avery, Nana, Mimi, Pop-Pop, Janna and family and Jonna and family and Aunt Beth)
*You know when things are broken and then you say fix it.
*You walk around talking on the phone and do ok when there is someone on the other end :)
*You know what a snowman is and you recognize Santa!
*You know when things are noisey or when you are being noisey!
*You tell on yourself....I hear you say "Avee Don't" or "Avee NO-NO" and it is something you shouldn't be doing but you do it anyway....still working on you to understand don't and no!
*You love when someone gets up run over and sit on their spot and you say "my seat!"
* You know what hiccups are - you still get them a lot.
*She's learning what tools are....she picked up a screw driver and started turning it! Must watch her Daddy in the garage and her Mommy at home changing her batteries in her toys! :)
*A new body part you learned is your back. You have awesome balance...you like to stand/jump on our backs when we lay down...one of your favorite games!
*You don't MISS anything or forget anything!
*You know when it is raining and snowing.
*You know when you hear a siren.
*I'm sure there is more but for now that is all I can think of.
You are very curious about Santa and can say Santa - you also know what snowmen are.
You don't touch my tree much but MAN you can't leave your hands off the presents!
Being Silly Aveee! (that's what you say sometimes)
No we're not Jewish.....that is your bowl you put on your head.
Your ultimate Silly face.....
Lately you started hiding your toys!
Just being My Sweet Lil Avery! You love sitting at your table and chairs and most time prop your feet up on the table!
1 comment:
Oh! She's doing the Kaidrie stuff-it-anywhere-you-can-find-a-place thing! I remember at that age I searched all over the house for something and about 2 weeks later I found it in her sock drawer! Such silly little things at that age! Love it!
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