Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Little Piggy.....

Today....Our Church had Trunk or Treat again this year so mom went with Avery and I. What a beautiful day!

Nana, Avery & Autumn DeWitt (ok mom not sure why you put your hood up!)


Avery and Dr. Charles Hart

Avery LOVED Amy Loveday's dog, Oscar....he was a hotdog.

Ian and Avery

Ian and James Barr

Mommy and Avery going on a hay ride.

We saw a rainbow about an hour after we got home

Last night......We went to Chad and Jenny Lydic's for Trick or Treating....I decided to just let Avery stay at the house since I was tired from working all day and she doesn't know what t or t is yet and doesn't even eat candy...ok an occasional tootsie roll or smarties.

Check out her little tail :)

Avery was more interested in the dog then anything else

Kids trading their candy

Avery playing the air drums :) She also loved all the glow sticks the kids gave her after t or t.


Randy and Janna said...

What a find! Avery - you're the cutest little piggy I've ever seen! Kisses!

Missy said...

avery is beautiful...and love the blog too!