Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh Boy I'm 15 months!

Our baby is growing too fast! She had her 15 mo. check up today and weighed in at 21 lbs. 8 oz and 30 1/2" long. So in 3 months she's gained 1 lb. 8 oz. and grew 3/4". It was so funny you kept waiving to Dr. Strong and telling him "bye-bye".

This is Avery's Excited Face! Glad I could capture it - dirty mouth and all :)

In the last 3 months these are the new things she can do:

*Pull her pull toys

*Can move her push toy if she hit something and keeps on going instead of whining for me to move it for her :)

*Today she asked for Hugs! Actually said Hug and opened up her arms :) So sweet.

*Give kisses on a more regular basis

*On Sept. 5th said her longest sentence to date: "I see the baby!"

*Stacks blocks and can put the plastic rings on the holder

*You can say the animal and sound: cow goes "moo", puppy goes "arf, arf" and a cat goes "meow", a duck goes "quack" and you know what a pig is....we're working on that sound. She usually thinks most animals are cats and says "meow" :)

*You definitely know what a bug is

*Follows and understands simple commands

*Waives and says "Hi" and "Bye-Bye"

*Uses a spoon with most meals

*Drinks out of regular cup very well

*Trying to get you off formula and bottle! We have to mix the whole milk with half formula and you aren't interested in it unless it's in your Ba-Ba! Finally at 15 1/2 mos. you are on whole milk.

*You finally are drinking juice out a sippy cup.....before if ANYTHING besides water was in your sippy you would taste it throw it and say "ucky!"

*You sing (well you don't say one word that we recognize but know that you are signing)'s so stinking cute!

*Can't keep up with all the new words she says daily! Somewhere along the line I noticed we are now Mommy and Daddy instead of Mama and Dada!

*Eats more :)

*Runs into another room to poop :) Knows her diapers and used Kleenex are yucky!

*Knows where her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet and belly are

*She can walk backwards

*Pick things up (Hopefully get her trained to do all her toys/books :)

*Goes round and round in circles

*You try and count......You know two and that it comes after's so funny how you pronounce it!!!

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