Friday, March 18, 2011

Misc. March Pictures!

Between and the B-Day Parties we had going on this is what else was happening in our lives. We got hit with 2 storms ice/snow about 2 days apart one week. That was L.O.V.E.L.Y. I keep feeling March should be over with all that has happened.

Then with a few days later with warmer temps came the rain and SERIOUS flooding! Even L.O.V.E.L.I.E.R. Picture of the Fairgrounds.

Picture of 39W. Look how close the water is to the road!

The swimming pool! WOW!

A RARE siting! I've only seen her do this ONE other time (besides when she was a newborn!). Parents post pictures ALL the time where the kids fall asleep, playing on the floor, eating in the high chair, etc. Avery had NEVER done that and like I said this is only the 2nd time she's EVER fallen asleep on the couch. It has been a busy March and notice it was only March 7th.

Play date with Alexis Long.....Long is fitting for her last name b/c she just turned 2 in Jan. and is almost as tall as Avery.

Avery ventured out from writing her name and does very well with her writing at age 3.75 yrs old!

Silly Daddy loves to do things to Avery's Barbies that are in the bathroom. This one was the best and she thought that was so funny! I'm sad to say she has MORE Barbies. Gotta love hand-me-downs :)

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Avery is going to be a flower girl for the 1st time on July 2 in Leah Beechy's and Josh's wedding. So we had to go get fitted for her dress. She was SO excited to wear a "married" dress as she called it :) This is the ivory one in size 4T.

SO beautiful! See George in the picture! I wanted to Bitch Slap him! That was my 1st time EVER to David's Bridal and hope it's my last or hope he's not there! He was the most rude, arrogant person and SHOULD NOT have been on the floor! I'm still fuming over how he treated us! I usually can tolerate a lot but I wanted to tell him off so bad but I didn't. Don't worry I'm told I'm the 3rd person who's complained about him and he picked the wrong family to tick off since the Beechy's have 3 more girls that aren't married yet - so he will be delt with.
Avery just didn't understand WHY she couldn't take her dress home that day. She was NOT a happy camper. We picked this one in size 3T and it will be ivory.
Then we headed to Timken to see my mom. I'll back up here. I got word that mom was in the Mbg. ER on Thurs. morning, she thought she had a stroke!!! She said it started Wed. afternoon around 3:30 pm her right side felt VERY weak and her arm felt heavy. She thought it would go away....nurses are the worst patients! It got worse Thurs. morning so she headed back to the ER. For those of you that don't know my mom was in the ER and then admitted in Jan. for colitis. They did CAT scan which showed she had a previous stroke (but couldn't date when. That was news to us and to her!) The ER Dr. wanted her transferred to Timken where she could have a full neurology work up. So Judy, Jonna and I made some plans, mom was to be taken by Ambulance b/c her blood pressure was so high. Jonna was going to go to Timken and I would go up on Fri. Judy offered to keep Avery on Thurs. so I could go up with Jonna so that's what we did. As you know things take FOREVER in the hospital but they got her settled and we stayed till 5:30.
Friday morning I got news from Jonna that mom's left carotid Atery was blocked, thus causing her stroke, so more tests were needed to see how much blockage was there. If more than 70% was blocked she would need surgery if not medication could fix it. So Avery and i headed to Canton we had some returns, I was looking for shoes for her and Kaid, we had lunch at Rockne's, went to David's Bridal for her dress fitting and ordering, to the Mall to get my jewelry checked and cleaned and then to the hospital. By this time it was around 2ish since mom said she had to have a echo of her heart to make sure no blood clots were present and another CAT scan. Of course nothing is on time, she had her echo test done but still waiting on her CAT scan. Her Brother and Sister stopped in for a visit so that helped then around 3:30 they FINALLY took her for her CAT scan. Her sister, Betty, said it would take about half an hour and told Avery she would buy her something in the gift shop. Then Avery and I headed to McD's (which was at the hosp.) I let her have ice cream and then she wanted FF's, which I let her have too. She was being so good. We got back to mom's room around 4:15 and waited, and waited, and waited! Mom didn't get back till 5:30! 2 hours later. I was getting worried. She said the guy ahead of her - they had trouble finding his vein and took FOREVER!
I knew we weren't going to get any answers that night so we left for home at 5:45pm.
Mom said I could go ahead and work on Saturday, we still didn't know if she would be released or not. So I headed to Winesburg in the morning to drop Avery off at Bethy's house (not sure who was more excited?!) She loves HER Bethy, and HER Meggy and HER Clay :) Then I headed to work. We were busy all day (which was good!) Finally at 3ish I texted mom to see if she heard anything yet...Nope! We were open till 5 but there were so many people around we stayed open later. After work, I checked in with Beth who said to take my time and if I wanted to go to Canton I could. I ran to WCC to get a few items and while there mom called and said she got news she didn't need surgery and she was being released! So I headed to Canton to get mom (Beth said Avery could stay at her house while I ran up). As you know we waited and waited and finally a little before 7 we were on our way home! Got home at 8:15ish and was pooped but so thankful to have mom home! She will have a fully recovery, she'll need some therapy on her right hand and some new medication. Speaking of that I need to go and get those for her. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! Means a lot to us and especially my mom!

While being home in the evenings I was catching up on the computer and Avery says "Mom, come quick I need to show you something". She had spelled her own name and put her age....WOW! Great job Avery!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Many Parties So Little Time!

We've had so many Birthdays this year so far, but in the last 3 weeks we had 4 B-Day Parties and 1 Baby Shower. We made it to 3 of the parties and the baby shower was on the same day as my nieces party. Glad I can pass on cake or I'd be IN big trouble!

Little Laney Thorpe turned 1 on March 6! I can't believe she is 1 year old already.

Isn't that the cutest cake ever?!

She did a VERY good job on her smash cake!

This is her Big Sister, Natalie also Avery's BFF or "sister" she's been telling every one lately. Natalie is 6 wks younger then Avery and we found out they are going to be in the same Pre School Class next year....good luck Miss Keely and Miss Erica ;)

For entertainment they had a girl who painted faces.

Of course she wanted to look like a Princess!

Mr. Grady, who turned 3 in Jan. was a frog :)

Then later Avery wanted a kitty on her hand. Thanks for the party Thorpe's we had fun!

Then Sunday was Kaidrie's party so off to Columbus we go with Mimi and Pop-Pop.

All the pretty kitty girls, who coordinate very well :)

Kaid was excited to read her card Avery made for her. I think Mimi wants every one to hang was too crowded to hang loose ;) Those Mast's are expanding like rabbits ;) Or maybe she was doing sign language with her hands b/c of the noise level ;)

Happy 6th Birthday Kaidrie!

She finally crashed on the way home. I think we have a break on the Bdays. Although Pop-Pop's is March 21st and that is also the day he is retiring. You deserve it Pop-Pop!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Glad I Don't Stip for a Living!

Wallpaper/Borders that is (AND I better clarify the "other" stripping either! ).....come on get your head out of the gutter. Well call it being stuck inside or being home a lot I FINALLY took off the border in our dining room today! I've hated it from the time we looked at the house 5 1/2 yrs ago but our energy and time was spent stripping the front two rooms, our bedroom then when I got pregnant with Avery we did the nursery, hallway, the border in our kitchen and then Avery's big girl room (all with help - except I did strip the hallway by myself but I have NO clue how to put up wallpaper)! I'm not against wallpaper just a pain to strip it off! But it's done, well the off part is done. Can I get an AMEN?!

The whole entire house was done Victorian style and that is SO not me. Here is the border...yuk!

Julia and I took down the border in Avery's big girl room and were lucky enough to have the wallpaper that was underneath the border come all the way to the top so I didn't have to put up another border AND lucky that her wallpaper was something I didn't's this wallpaper too. However the 1st wall I did I was thinking yea I'm not going to have to put up a border but things quickly changed after I got to the 2nd wall :( Then the 3rd wall some of actual wallpaper came off. So now I will need to decide to get a new border, take down this wallpaper and paint. If the dining room had this wallpaper on the walls below the rail it would be a no brainer to just put up a new border but it has tiny flower wallpaper so I may have to leave as is for now! I'd really like to have all the wallpaper OFF and paint but Josh said the one wall has some issues and paint won't hide the flaws (isn't that what furniture is for to hide stuff? - it's too low or I'd hang a picture over it ;) It may take another 5 1/2 yrs to munster up the energy to take all the wallpaper off and re-wallpaper with some I love.....OR just keep living with the tiny flower print, put a new border up and CALL.IT.DONE! ;)

The bottom half of the dining room walls. It's not bad but not my taste but after "living with it for 5 1/2 yrs" it doesn't bother me NEAR like the border did!

Avery did so good at entertaining herself, my mom stopped in for a bit, then Avery was packing for vacation and wanted me to take a picture with all the stuff she packed :)