Sunday, November 28, 2010

Santa Claus came to Town...too early!

This post is out of order but I just couldn't post this BEFORE Thanksgiving even though it happened on Sat. November 20th. I couldn't believe it was time for Santa - technically he was a week earlier than last year ;) I made lunch for Mom and Avery and then we went to see the Pomerene Auxiliary Tree's that were decorated and of course Santa!

She wasn't afraid at all! :)

"I would like Snow White and a Barbie with a big pretend pony" (she saw at Kohl's)

Then later that night mom and Avery went to the Victorian House for the lighting of their trees and Santa was there again! Mom said Avery said "this Santa's face is fatter and not skinny like the other one" said because he went home and ate too much lunch ;) Josh and I were at a Christmas Party.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010!

I can't believe Thanksgiving has come and gone! It just didn't seem like it was time for Thanksgiving yet and I'm not sure if it's because Thursdays is normally my day off or the fact I worked 5 days this week or is this year just flying by?! We spent the day at Proper's and didn't know if Avery and I were going to get to go she had started with a fever Wed. night. During the day she seemed ok, besides her raspy voice and we decided to let her sleep in her own bed Thurs. night and then go to Mimi's all day on Fri. to play and have a sleepover with her cousin's on Friday night. Then all day on Saturday and they went to Beechy's for Tgiving/Christmas get together which I had to miss because I worked. November has been extremely busy this year I think everyone is trying to make Dec. not so busy and so everything seems to have been in Nov. I didn't get many pictures at all since I was only around on Tgiving Day and hoping Janna took some.

Crazy Avery eating her turkey cookie.

Miss Kaidrie

and Mr. Kason....of course he smiled AFTER I took his picture.

The girls loved looking at my scrapbook and a book I had made for Avery.

Goofy Girls.

Friday night after a busy day at work I went to Proper's to grab a bite of pizza and see everyone for half hour then I met some high school friends at Bag's. Vicki Riggle-Steele was in town! I haven't seen her in forever! We crashed her parents 50th Wedding Anniversary Party :)

I was so tired and home by 9:45pm plus I also had to work the next day. Town was so busy since it was the kickoff of the Holiday Season. It was good to see a lot of people I normally don't get too.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm not tired.........

Avery and I went to Wooster after work and school today. I stopped at Mimi's to get her 30% off at Kohl's and Avery wanted a blanket. I knew she'd fall asleep since she doesn't nap at school.....

She also fell asleep on the way home too! I think she's having a growing spurt b/c she's eating A LOT and sleeping very good.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

P/T Conference

We had our first parent-teacher conference today. This is what her teacher wrote on her report card:

"Avery is doing very well in school. She is willing and excited about learning. She knows and follows all routines. She has a tendency to want to do things only on her terms and can be very independent and not allowing help, but we are working on that. Avery loves to sing our songs in class. We are working on colors and shapes. Keep up the good work Avery." Miss Keely.

I think that is VERY accurate! Miss Avery is VERY independent even at home. Miss Keely also said she's going to be a leader in the class. This doesn't surprise me. She is the youngest in her class and I'm glad she's doing very well!

Josh and I did get a chuckle when Miss Keely asked about Avery wringing and twisting her hands! NOTE the picture....yes she was EXCITED to go to school that day :)