Sunday, September 19, 2010

Garden City, SC Vacation!

Wow this post has been VERY challenging but things are FINALLY coming together. We have been blessed with another 2 week beach vacation (this one was booked last Jan. or Feb.) We headed out on Friday afternoon on Sept. 3 and once again Miss Avery did SO good we could have driven straight through but we stopped in NC for the night. Our drive was pretty uneventful, we did get into some heavy rain and then the rainbow! We were also blessed with VERY nice weather! Hope you enjoy my pictures and my sister in laws pictures. It was so nice to have 2 of us taking pictures.....spoils ya!

We arrived at Garden City, S. Carolina (8 miles S of Myrtle) at 11 am on Sat. Sept. 4th and we had to wait 3 hours till our house was ready. So we walked the pier, ate lunch and checked out the stores in Garden City. Miss Avery having some fun!

This was my 2nd time staying at a Portofino house and Proper's untenth time ;)

This one had 10 houses and then they share a pool. Since it was off season it wasn't busy at all.....our kind of vacation!

Our house for 2 weeks.

This is the pool. I think we had the best location, closest to the beach and pool and we had great neighbor's both weeks! Proper's got there around 5ish and Rachel and Josh got there around 6ish and we went out to dinner. Mast's showed up the next morning.

Did you notice all the boys "sleeping", the time and the little rugrats awake? Yes that's what happens when you start drinking in the morning and continue all day! Although in Randy's defense he worked, went to a wedding and then drove the 10 hour drive.

Our 1st official morning on the beach. This is taken from our deck!

Me, Avery and Rachel went to Church with Julia on Sunday. It was called Belin Memorial United Methodist Church in Murrell's Inlet. What a beautiful Church and felt so welcome and at "home" since it was after all a United Methodist Church :)

Josh, Josh and Rachel took the girls out for our morning walk.

The munchkins headed back to our house!


Avery LOVED the ocean and waves and would get mad if you wouldn't take her our far enough!
Holding on tight :) Love this one!

Then daddy and Josh played in the waves and Rachel joined them for a bit.

All the kids had colds on vacation and were all sleep deprived too!

Yes the first week I had my hands full :)

Finally put the girls to work!

Nothing better then a sand swimming pool!

K & K's attempt to bury a willing Avery!

What a look!

With some editing got this picture to come out great :)
Love how Miss Avery was protecting her little cousin (yes he's 1 yr younger but does weigh more than her ;) from the sweet especially if you know their history!
Josh Landfair is going to make a great daddy someday!
"this is fun!"

Love the hand holding even when sitting down!

Miss A has some droopy drawers that were caused by lots of sand!

A sweet moment for the girls when they weren't fighting :) Out for a morning stroll.

Proper men......loners :)


Randy with 2 of his best BUDS :)
Mr. Kason enjoying the pool.
Getting brave!
Another sweet moment :)
Yes kissing cousins!
The girls! The kids really LOVED the pool.

Miss Avery would have jumped and swam all day!

Such fish we have!
One morning there were dolpins but it was SO fridgid in our house it took my camera forever to quit fogging up so I could get a picture. If you click on the picture to make it bigger you can see one.
And again...........
Each couple were in charge of dinner one night - this was Josh Landfair's many does it take to grill chicken....apparently 4 :)

Poor Kason. This is how I will remember him on this vacation...always sitting on the potty......

always covering his eyes at the beginning of Monster's Inc.

then laughing.....and

always having a BIG ole glob of snot running down his nose (GAG!) Click and check it out yourself :)

One evening we headed to Broadway at the Beach and ate at Margarittaville, food was so-so but the entertainment was good. I could NOT believe I forgot my camera!!!! I mean those of you who know me all know how traumatic it was for me NOT to have MY camera!!!! It is an extension of me and I have NO clue why I didn't take it. Thank goodness Janna and Rachel had theirs.

Avery wanted the balloon maker to make her a dog.

Then the girls spied was $7.00 for maybe 5 mins. but Avery LOVED it and I think Kaid did too after she got the hang of it.

Avery definitely got some major air :)

Kason loved the boat and no that shiny spot under his nose is NOT water ;)
Riding the dune buggys.

All 3 were on the motorcycles but Kason got scared and wanted off. Avery waving to her fan club :)
The kids had so much fun in the mirror!

The Mast's

The Proper's

Finally on the last morning before Rachel and Josh headed to DC to visit his sister I got a picture of them! Thanks again for coming down - we had a blast.

Avery butting in on the Mast's family pictures but glad she cute :)

Love this picture of Kason!

Love this picture and what an awesome photographer! :)

Then the next night it was the entire family picture night. Thanks Rachel for taking our pictures!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture that Janna took!

We had so many beautiful butterflies on this bush at the pool!

Avery almost caught one! They were amazing!

Our view one night at dinner. We were celebrating everyone leaving (besides us and Senior Proper's) - haha, just kidding!

Avery was Pop-Pop's buddy on the 2nd week.

Avery said "take a picture of me smiling underwater"....silly goofy!

Another picture I LOVE!

We thought we would give this a try.

I know you noticed Josh and Avery have their hats on backwards :)

Avery thought it was so cool to drink her soup since they don't give you any silverware.

Our Knight we cheered for threw her a flower :)

The narrorator noticed I was taking his picture so he posed :)

We had to cheer for the Black and White Knight.

Some dancing afterwards. For the money I wouldn't do it was ok but Avery enjoyed it.

Some mommy and daughter memories........

There was LOTS of running on the beach. Avery wouldn't walk very long then wanted held or in her stroller but if I said lets run she'd run forever.....goofy girl!

Love her expression!

Another favorite!

Finding lots of butterflies on the beach.

Another morning stroll trying to find butterflies.

Playing botchie (sp?) ball on the beach....again taken from our deck!

I have NEVER seen the Atlantic so calm! It was awesome!

Avery certainly enjoyed it!

I suck at videoing and not sure why all those lines are on the video!

If you click on this picture I have an arrow where there is another dolphin!

One evening after dinner we headed to Murrell's Inlet to walk the boardwalk.

more dancing for Avery


Great night for pictures!

These Tarpon fish were so gross but Avery loved feeding them!

Yes so excited notice the hands!

We ate at Yamato Japanese Steakhouse at Broadway at the Beach one night.

Avery trying out chop sticks.

Then after dinner we ran into my friend Jo Muse! So cool!

Then when we got "home" we went on a crab hunt!

Another favorite!

Serious fort we all built!

the foolish man built his house upon the sand........

Click the above and below photo! It's so hard taking pictures on the beach even with sunglasses and my hat it was hard to see but I captured this bird getting a crab and this wave has fish in it! So cool!

Saw lots of jumping fish!

Daddy and Pop-Pop enjoying the ocean!

Great form Pop-Pop!

Love Josh's face!

Still buddies :)

When we were at Medeival Times they suckered us into coming to the Holiday Day Inn the next day to listen to a 90 min timeshare. It was probably a good deal but 3 hours later and not really wanting to own a condo in Myrtle we finally left with our 4 free aquarium ticket and cash! The aquarium was kinda disappointing for adults but again Avery loved it!

Once again her hands were a twisting :)

Are you looking at me?!

Our last full day at the beach so this was our last morning walk.

There were tons of jumping fish I saw on our walk to Garden City Pier.

Then I spied dolphins and tried to take pictures - which all turned out blurry :( so again my video skills suck but I captured some of them. There was a huge school of them and they were jumping high out of the water! So cool!
Garden City Pier.

We went and walked on the pier and people were fishising and saw some sharks!

More ocean time with Daddy!

Senior Proper's were jealous of our fort yesterday so we they had to build one and of course we had to build an even bigger one! Yes they lasted half hour maybe?????
Another favorite!

Cute little Avery booty!

Then we headed to the pool and Mimi had fish that sunk so I would swim underwater and get them and Avery was bound and determinded to get one..........

Hooray.... I did it! She did swim to the bottom of the 3 feet and got the fish.


Trying to pack stuff up and Avery crawled in the "pantry" closed the doors and was hiding...don't blame her I didn't want to leave either!

Trying to do our family photos.....can you say WINDY???! Holy wind batman!

This is my favorite!

Crazy hair!

Hi everyone!
The sunrises I witnessed! SO awesome and the hold a promises of a new day, a new beginning....
Love how you can see the rays in this one!
This was the last view of the ocean/sunrise when we left at 7:30am again uneventful trip home 10 hours with only 2 stops....amazing! :)