Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We spent the day at Mast's for Halloween. Me, Avery and Mimi drove down in the morning. Avery was so excited to go see and play with her cousins!

Waiting on Mimi to pick us up.

We all went to Target.......3 munchkins in the cart! Then later Janna and I hit a few stores by ourselves.....thanks Mimi! :)

Color time!

Earlier in the day..............

Later in the day.............apparently they were hot.....couldn't have been from all that running around and screaming they were doing! :)

On way home about 10-15 mins. into the ride she crashed with her hand still in her snack trap! ha.ha. Didn't last long she woke up in Johnstown when we stopped for food and didn't go back to sleep and cried and whined the rest of the way home :( She was soooooooooo tired but had a great day with her cousins!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fun Fall Day!

What a BEAUTIFUL day it turned out to be!!! So after Avery's nap we enjoyed a fun day outside! These are pictures from my new camera I got for my Birthday.

Crazy hair Avery after her nap :)

We went to Mimi and Pop-Pop's. Daddy and Avery playing soccer.

Avery is going to be like her Daddy....when they concentrate they put their tongues out :)

Their beautiful trees!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Trunk or Treat 2009

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Trunk or Treat at our Church

We had Trunk or Treat at our Church and what a beautiful day we had, despite having a head cold and having to wake Avery up from her nap we had a great time! There were so many of "her" friends there!! Thanks everyone for coming!

I love my bug.....the front and back of her costume. I got the jacket at Other Mother's a used kids clothing store in Wooster for $4.94 :)

Avery was thrilled with the cat and Amy Loveday's dogs!

Avery, Natalie and Audrey.

Pretty and cool princess Miss Natalie

Miss Brianna (happy with her M & M's ;)

Kim and Miss Keira

Natalie and Avery were so cute they would say "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You" after their treat.

Avery proud of all her goodies! Our Church volunteers do an awesome job and have the BEST candy!

They had a bounce house there and Avery went in 3x's until she got booted out :)

The cute little lady bugs, Avery and Brianna

Avery and Natalie kissing each other.....they haven't seen each other since Nat's party the end of July!

Miss Avery.....she's so cute! She loved her costume!

Finally after many takes I got a GREAT picture of these two!

We ended our day with a hay wagon ride with Stacy and Brianna, Jen and Natalie were on the other side.....oh and we had to get a bag of popcorn for Avery.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hershberger's Farm!

What a BEAUTIFUL Fall day we finally had....sunny and 70! I had to work so Avery went to Nana's then after work we went to Hershberger's Farm and had another bday dinner at Boyd & Wurthman's!

Avery starting her day! She was so proud of her new clothes! So cute!

We got a "free" wagon ride to the pumpkin patch.
Avery and mommy on the wagon...Amish boy in the background. :)
Nana and Avery on the wagon.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm which one do I want???!

This one!!
Then after they take us to the medium/large pumpkins on the way back they ask "Who wants a small one?!" of course all the kids do! So the "free" wagon ride costs us $8.85 for our 2 pumpkins and back at the store you could get them for $2.00-$5.50 :) Oh well Avery had fun riding the wagon!

Then we told Avery she could ride the pony......of course she picked the biggest one. She rode a pony at the Fair and loved it and loved this one too!
Then we got a free cone w/animal pellets and so we fed some animals.

Check out Avery's hand she was so excited to pet the camera wasn't fast enough to capture her expression on her face!

Where's Avery?!