Our day started out like any other day...............Avery is so proud of herself! She can climb up and sit on her chair all by herself!
Ok so I said I have a climber, it didn't stop at climbing on the chair......Oh no - she had to climb onto the table! Even more pleased with herself :)
A day doesn't go by that she doesn't stick out her belly!
Then we went swimming at Mimi & Pop-Pop's......
She is on step the 2nd step and it's to her mouth and she doesn't care! No fear this child has....yet!
All smiles :) until.................
GOOSE-EGG! Avery is VERY independent, always has been! Tonight when she was getting out of the pool I was trying to help her - MISTAKE! I helped her alright - She was crawling out of the pool on her hands and knees and I put my hand on her lil butt to help her up and to make sure she didn't fall backwards.....well I tipped her forward and she hit her head on the cement (bad mommy!) She cried less than 5 mins., then an hour and a half later her 3 year old cousin, Kaidrie, as she put it: "I may have pushed her" (it was an accident) and Avery fell hard and hit the EXACT SAME SPOT!!! Again cried less than 5 mins. Julia aka Mimi had me call her pediatrician and we are to watch Avery (who 10 mins. after the 2nd fall was back in the pool swimming)! It's very had to tell how much it hurts since Avery has never been much of a cryer.....she's a tough lil girl :) She is now sleeping and we have to wake her in 2 hours and see how she responds.
I will keep you posted! This is the being a parent part I don't like but who does huh?!